Obama's staff and retreads from the Clinton Administration are using Chicago-style intimidation to rescue his extravagant health-care bill from its decline in public opinion polls. A congressional Town Hall meeting on August 6 reminds us of a … [Read more...] about Obama Brings Chicago-Style Intimidation
NEA Goes All-Out for Same-Sex Marriage
The National Education Association (NEA), which usually passes a dozen or more pro-homosexual resolutions every year at its annual national convention, this year in San Diego went all-out in support of same-sex marriage. This emphasis on advocacy for … [Read more...] about NEA Goes All-Out for Same-Sex Marriage
Reading the Fine Print in the Health Care Bill
The House Democrats' health care bill is entitled "America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009." No clue is given as to how long we will have a choice, but it will probably be only until the "public option" … [Read more...] about Reading the Fine Print in the Health Care Bill
Obama’s Health Care Reform in Trouble
Barack Obama's high-speed train to Socialism was knocked off track by a surprising source: the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Just as the Senate HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) was about to begin voting on Chairman Ted … [Read more...] about Obama’s Health Care Reform in Trouble
Family Court Injustices to Men
Did you know that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, … [Read more...] about Family Court Injustices to Men
Why Women Are Unhappy
The National Bureau of Economic Research released a study to be published soon in the American Economic Journal that shows women's happiness has measurably declined since 1970. It's no surprise that this has stimulated much … [Read more...] about Why Women Are Unhappy
Obama’s Health Care Plan Can Be Defeated
The Democrats' most recent answer to the question of how they will pay for their trillion-dollar health-care reform was just announced by Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel. He wants to impose a surtax on incomes over $280,000, … [Read more...] about Obama’s Health Care Plan Can Be Defeated
The Feminists Demand and Receive
President Obama has repeatedly expressed his concern about our rising unemployment. The worst loss of jobs is in manufacturing, because building autos has gone overseas, and in construction, because the housing industry has tanked. When Obama … [Read more...] about The Feminists Demand and Receive
Massachusetts: A Model Not to Copy
The Obama-Kennedy health plan is modeled after the Massachusetts plan which, when adopted, many applauded as innovative and destined for success. In fact, the Massachusetts plan has been a massive failure and is a model for what not to do. It has … [Read more...] about Massachusetts: A Model Not to Copy
High Costs of Obama’s Health Care Plan
President Obama's drive for government health care began in earnest on Saturday, June 6 in thousands of neighborhood House Meetings where his supporters listened to his sales talk via a video on the internet and participated in a live … [Read more...] about High Costs of Obama’s Health Care Plan