After spirited discussions from November 28 to December 11 (including two days of overtime that ended only in the wee hours), the United Nations Climate Change conference in Durban, South Africa failed to achieve its two main goals: producing a new … [Read more...] about Good News from the UN!
China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO
Communist China is this month celebrating its tenth anniversary of joining the World Trade Organization. The subtitle ought to be China's tenth anniversary of cheating the United States. The globalists talked us into supporting this cozy trade … [Read more...] about China Celebrates Outwitting Us in the WTO
We Don’t Like the Future We See
Americans don't need a fortune teller to predict our future. We can see the future right before our eyes: Europe; and we don't like it. Europe, whose economy we so generously subsidized with billions of dollars given by hardworking U.S. … [Read more...] about We Don’t Like the Future We See
National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea
Moving quietly under cover of presidential debates and the enormous publicity given to the race for the Republican nomination is a plan to change how U.S. Presidents are elected. It would bypass the procedure spelled out in the U.S. Constitution … [Read more...] about National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea
UN Mischief from Durban to Rio
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa opening on November 28, called COP-17, is one of a series of UN meetings working toward a specific goal. Advertising for this meeting features a long list of invited celebrities … [Read more...] about UN Mischief from Durban to Rio
Goodbye UNESCO a Model for Goodbye UN
A trigger provision buried in U.S. laws since 1990 quietly took effect at the end of October. The U.S. taxpayers' annual donation of 22 percent of UNESCO's budget was summarily terminated when UNESCO voted 107 to 14 (with 52 abstentions) to … [Read more...] about Goodbye UNESCO a Model for Goodbye UN
Let’s Talk About Jobs
We watched a couple more TV presidential candidate debates and, funny thing, again there was little or no mention of what is widely conceded to be the number-one issue: jobs. The unemployment figures remain unacceptably high, and the figures for … [Read more...] about Let’s Talk About Jobs
Mexican Trucks Are On Our Roads
After years of negative votes in Congress and the opposition of the American people, on October 21 Barack Obama allowed the first Mexican truck to cross the border at Laredo, Texas and head north to deliver door-to-door service of its load of … [Read more...] about Mexican Trucks Are On Our Roads
Rick Perry’s Marriage Problems
Does Rick Perry want to undermine traditional marriage? This question leaps out from his new 20 percent flat tax plan, which would eliminate all tax advantages for married couples in which one spouse is the primary breadwinner. For more than 60 … [Read more...] about Rick Perry’s Marriage Problems
The High Costs of Marriage Absence
Most Americans are unaware that about $700 Billion a year of federal taxpayers' money is handed out to non-taxpayers allegedly below a poverty line (in addition to $250 Billion a year given out by the states). After Barack Obama became President, … [Read more...] about The High Costs of Marriage Absence