The new education standards called Common Core won’t make U.S. kids any smarter. The overall Common Core strategy is to raise middle-scoring students a point or two but do nothing to motivate or help the smarter kids or the dumber kids. … [Read more...] about Common Core Won’t Make Kids Smarter
Obama Is Embarrassed by ObamaCare
Barack Obama assured us that, after his signature legislation ObamaCare went into effect, we would surely like it. Now Obama has decided he doesn’t want us to find out how it affects us until after the 2014 elections. ObamaCare is designed to … [Read more...] about Obama Is Embarrassed by ObamaCare
Supreme Court Marriage Decisions
The Supreme Court decision on marriage, as Justice Antonin Scalia wrote in his dissent, “is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive. It envisions a Supreme Court standing (or … [Read more...] about Supreme Court Marriage Decisions
Obama’s Pre-K Power Grab
Under the media’s radar, Obama has been aggressively promoting one of his fiscally extravagant projects announced in his 2013 State of the Union Address: “preschool available to every single child in America.” The plan for the … [Read more...] about Obama’s Pre-K Power Grab
We Should Reform Child Support
President Obama’s Father’s Day speech included one provocative yet very declarative sentence: “We should reform our child support laws to get more men working and engaged with their children.” Obama didn’t elaborate, but … [Read more...] about We Should Reform Child Support
Big Brother Obama Is Watching
It has become evident that Barack Obama’s definition of “fundamentally transforming the United States” includes Big Brother harassing selected conservatives while monitoring everybody’s email and telephone traffic. These seem … [Read more...] about Big Brother Obama Is Watching
Gang of Eight Can’t Defend Their Own Bill
The Gang of Eight can’t defend the Gang’s own amnesty bill, S.744, or even explain it to public or TV audiences. The Gang’s premier salesman, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), admits that it isn’t acceptable in its present form … [Read more...] about Gang of Eight Can’t Defend Their Own Bill
Backlash Against Common Core
The national news media haven’t discovered it, but the issue that is bringing out hundreds of citizens who never before attended political meetings is Common Core (CC). More precisely, it is the attempt of Barack Obama’s Department of … [Read more...] about Backlash Against Common Core
ObamaCare Heading for a “Train Wreck”
ObamaCare was supposed to be a big success by now, according to predictions made by liberals who railroaded it through Congress in 2010. Instead, as admitted by one of its leading architects, Democratic Senator Max Baucus, it’s heading for a … [Read more...] about ObamaCare Heading for a “Train Wreck”
Boston Bombing Demands a Pause in Legislation
The Boston Marathon Bombing, where 3 were killed and 264 wounded, many with legs or feet blown off, continues to be a big media story, but we are still waiting for answers to many questions. How did our government miss so many clues that the Tsarnaev … [Read more...] about Boston Bombing Demands a Pause in Legislation