Campaigning for the 2008 Democratic nomination for President in Oregon (a must-win state in the Democratic primaries), Barack Obama toadied to environmentally conscious voters. He said on May 17, 2008, “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as … [Read more...] about Obama’s War on Coal
Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
What in the world is the matter with Boehner Republicans in the U.S. House? Haven’t they had enough of Obama exceeding his presidential authority, disobeying the Constitution by refusing to “take care that the laws be faithfully … [Read more...] about Boehner Republicans Heading for Big Mistake
Who Killed the American Family?
Political support for traditional marriage seemed to evaporate in the summer of 2013. The U.S. Supreme Court did not rule that there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, but the homosexuals are behaving as though it did and filing lawsuits … [Read more...] about Who Killed the American Family?
Coming: ObamaCare and Medicare Train Wrecks
The problem with ObamaCare isn’t only that it’s careening toward a financial train wreck. It’s also a slush fund to pay off Obama’s political activists to carry out a massive invasion of privacy that dwarfs the NSA’s … [Read more...] about Coming: ObamaCare and Medicare Train Wrecks
Is Article V in Our Future?
Attacks on the U.S. Constitution are coming from all sides. The New York Times opened its op-ed page to several liberal professors of government: one calls our Constitution “imbecilic,” another claims it contains … [Read more...] about Is Article V in Our Future?
North Carolina Shows the Way for Honest Elections
North Carolina is showing the way for conservatives to rise above their post-2012 depression and regain the political initiative. Governor Pat McCrory just signed a law requiring voters to show a valid photo ID for voting, prohibiting same-day … [Read more...] about North Carolina Shows the Way for Honest Elections
Why Republicans Didn’t Win in 2012
At last Republicans can read a coherent explanation of why they didn’t win in 2012, despite high unemployment and a dismal economy, the unpopularity of ObamaCare, and many scandals such as Fast and Furious. Best-selling author Dr. Jerome Corsi, … [Read more...] about Why Republicans Didn’t Win in 2012
Judges Who Want to be Supremacists
Redefining the First Amendment is a core aim of Barack Obama’s plan to “fundamentally transform the United States.” He is steadily changing the First Amendment’s words, “free exercise” of religion, to the much more … [Read more...] about Judges Who Want to be Supremacists
House Immigration Bill Just As Bad
The Gang of Eight pro-amnesty Senators are trying to con the House of Representatives into passing parts of an anti-American amnesty bill so they can get a Chuck Schumer-dominated conference committee and bamboozle Representatives into going along … [Read more...] about House Immigration Bill Just As Bad
Lies about Trade Agreements
When will Republicans wake up to the way U.S. jobs are betrayed by Barack Obama and the corporate interests that hide under the moniker “free trade”? It’s an embarrassment that Republican powers-that-be have joined with the Obama … [Read more...] about Lies about Trade Agreements