Now that America is importing most of the ingredients in our prescription drugs and the majority of the foods we eat, it’s important to look behind the label. It may or may not tell you where the products come from. Your prescription … [Read more...] about Look Out for Chinese Imports
Whom Is John Kerry Representing?
John Kerry is turning out to be an even more dangerous Secretary of State than Hillary Clinton. He just took it upon himself to unilaterally proclaim that the Monroe Doctrine is dead, saying, “The era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” The … [Read more...] about Whom Is John Kerry Representing?
Uncle Sam a Global Sucker
It should be clear that teaching Americans we are now part of a global economy and teaching schoolchildren they are citizens of the world is a deceitful message to con us into a plan to add the poor countries around the earth to our list of welfare … [Read more...] about Uncle Sam a Global Sucker
The President Lied to Us
“If you like your health insurance, you can keep it. Period.” Those words will haunt Barack Obama through the remainder of his term, and probably achieve eternal life in books of memorable quotations. Obama’s words will levy … [Read more...] about The President Lied to Us
War on Religious Freedom
Americans who believe in God had better wake up and realize that a well-orchestrated campaign is moving to fundamentally transform the United States into a scrupulously secular nation. If this succeeds, we will no longer enjoy our First Amendment … [Read more...] about War on Religious Freedom
Amnesty Is Republican Party Suicide
Most Americans believe that the United States of America is an exceptional country. The “borders test” proves that people are coming TO America, not fleeing FROM America to exit to other countries. Republicans and conservatives recognize … [Read more...] about Amnesty Is Republican Party Suicide
Checking Your Kids’ School Assignments
Have you checked your kids’ school assignments lately? You might be shocked if you do. Sixth-grade children in a history class in the Bryant School District in Arkansas (whose website brags that the district “has embraced” Common … [Read more...] about Checking Your Kids’ School Assignments
Obama’s Politics About Government Shutdown
Americans were shocked by headlines like, “Priests Face Arrest for Holding Mass During Shutdown.” News accounts reported that Catholic priests were warned that they are not permitted to minister on base during the shutdown and they risk … [Read more...] about Obama’s Politics About Government Shutdown
Obama Disobeys the Law of the Land
The Democrats are chanting that Republicans must fully fund Obamacare because it is the law of the land, passed by Congress, signed by the President, and upheld by the Supreme Court. Therefore, they say, it must be obeyed and can’t be altered … [Read more...] about Obama Disobeys the Law of the Land
Lost Generation Betrayed by Obama
It used to be that a college degree was a ticket to a pretty good job. No more. College graduates are now called the “Lost” generation because more than half of recent graduates are jobless, or working only non-career part-time jobs, or … [Read more...] about Lost Generation Betrayed by Obama