Despite all evidence to the contrary, liberal dogma remains unshaken that crime is-caused by poverty and lack of education, and that therefore crime can be eliminated by spending more government money, sharing the wealth, and giving everybody a … [Read more...] about CRIME AMONG NON-POOR
Two years ago last month, Americans breathed a sigh of relief at the signing of the Paris Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam. Yet even as Henry Kissinger and Le Due Tho were receiving the Nobel Peace Prize for this alleged … [Read more...] about AID TO VIETNAM
A policeman is slain by an armed robber in a holdup attempt. A fireman is buried by flaming rubble when a build ing collapses. Unfortunately, these all-too-frequent occurrences in our cities bring an untimely death to a brave man and leave a woman … [Read more...] about BACKSTOPPERS
Every prosecuting attorney knows that, no matter how conclusive the eyewitness and circumstantial evidence, it is next to 'impossible to convince a jury to return a conviction unless a plausible motive for the crime can be presented. Human nature … [Read more...] about AIKEN’S EXPLANATION
Among the hundred or so publications I subscribe to is a small bimonthly called SURVIVE: THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL DEFENSE. Now in its eighth year of publication, this magazine has maintained a high level of original research and intellectual … [Read more...] about CIVIL DEFENSE
It is beginning to look as though the storm brewing over the CIA will not serve any constructive purpose, but is more apt to impede its legitimate functions. The crime the CIA is alleged to have committed is the creation and keeping of files on some … [Read more...] about CIA FILES
The Ford Administration recently conceded that its amnesty program has been a spectacular failure because only one percent of the approximately 100,000 draft dodgers and deserters from the Vietnam War have turned themselves in and accepted the work … [Read more...] about FORD’S AMNESTY PROGRAM!
Just before gold went on sale in the United States for the first time in 40 years, Chairman Arthur Burns of the Federal Reserve System criticized those Americans who bought or planned to buy gold. He said that buying gold could divert dangerously … [Read more...] about DR. BURNS’ WARNINGS ON GOLD
When the Gallup Poll recently issued its annual list of the ten most-admired men and women, one striking fact emerged. Nine out of the ten most-admired men and all the ten most-admired women turned out to be either politicians or wives of … [Read more...] about GALLUP’S LIST
By a vote of 120 to 6, the United Nations General Assembly recently approved something called a "Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States." It would be more accurate to call it a Charter for Stealing Private Property. Sponsored by the … [Read more...] about UN-APPROVED EXPROPRIATION