On April 1, Vietnam's Ambassador to the United States said sadly: "Probably it is safer to be an ally of the Communists, and it is fatal to be an ally of the United States." It took only 19 days to prove that statement was no April Fool's joke or … [Read more...] about Cambodia
Creeping Socialism?
During the Roosevelt and Truman years, Republican candidates used to hold forth on a subject called "Creeping Socialism." This was defined as the growth of big government, with higher and higher taxes, a bigger and bigger national debt, more and … [Read more...] about Creeping Socialism?
One of the time-tested strategies for winning any battle - military, political, or athletic - is the doctrine of diversion. The quarterback fakes a pass to the right, and then throws to the left. The classic expression of this doctrine in … [Read more...] about Portugal
Spectators of Crimes
Eleven years ago, a New York woman named Kitty Genovese became famous as the victim of a prolonged stabbing because 38 neighbors looked out their windows and watched the crime, but did nothing to help her. This year a similar murder took place in the … [Read more...] about Spectators of Crimes
Modern Art Unmasked
Is Modern Art an enigma to you? Are you one of the many millions whose reaction to those ugly and incoherent shapes is to shake your head in disbelief or to walk silently through museums and public places too embarrassed to criticize what you cannot … [Read more...] about Modern Art Unmasked
Gun Control
Despite the fact that the inalienable right to self-defense is recognized by nearly every moral code, and also constitutionally en shrined in Article II of our Bill of Rights, efforts persist to deny this right to American citizens through various … [Read more...] about Gun Control
Our Disappearing Allies
Ten years ago, the United States had steadfast allies all over the world. In Europe, our solid lineup of friends extended from Norway to Greece and Turkey. It was especially strong in the center with Britain and West Germany, and secure in the South … [Read more...] about Our Disappearing Allies
UN Conference on the Sea
The sorry record of international conferences over the last 40 years shows that America's property interests, political influence, and military prestige usually come off second best. All the way from Teheran, Yalta and Potsdam, to the SALT Agreements … [Read more...] about UN Conference on the Sea
Recent news stories have speculated on the possibility that former President Richard Nixon might be named our first Ambassador to Red China. Although that is highly unlikely, pressure appears to be building up to extend full diplomatic recognition to … [Read more...] about RECOGNITION OF RED CHINA
Conservatives are currently agonizing over what course of action they should take for 1976. At their national gathering in Washington a few weeks ago, they appeared to be about evenly divided between Republican Party loyalists and those who want to … [Read more...] about FUTURE OF CONSERVATIVES