What has caused the greatest devastation to American cities and towns during the last seven years? Tornadoes? Hurricanes? Earth quakes? Wrong on all three guesses. The answer is the federal housing program which has destroyed $4 billion worth of … [Read more...] about Housing Fiasco
Census Report
Sometimes news events of the most far-reaching consequences appear in newspapers only in inconspicuous stories on the back pages. One such little-noticed item was the recent U.S. Census Bureau report that we suffered a record decline in American … [Read more...] about Census Report
Ballot Laws
Our Founding Fathers, whose great vision gave us the American Constitution, not only did not plan our two-party system, they did not want political parties at all. As these unanticipated appendages grafted themselves onto our body politic, they also … [Read more...] about Ballot Laws
Policy Toward Castro
The way I read the election returns of November 1972, George McGovern was decisively defeated. He carried only one out of 50 states. It is a puzzlement, therefore, why McGovern seems to be making U.S. policy toward Castro. Last fall, President … [Read more...] about Policy Toward Castro
Malpractice Suits
What this country needs is fewer malpractice suits against doctors and a start of suits against malpracticing educators and politicians. The American taxpayers have generously given enormous sums of money to well-paid teachers so that our young … [Read more...] about Malpractice Suits
Pitfalls of Personal Diplomacy
The psychological change that takes place in most men when they move into positions of great power is a phenomenon that has been commented on by philosophers through the ages. Shakespeare declaimed: "Upon what meat does this our Caesar feed, that he … [Read more...] about Pitfalls of Personal Diplomacy
New York & Washington
If I wanted to become a good golf or tennis player, I would take lessons from a successful pro rather than from another beginner. If I were having problems in my business or profession, I would seek the counsel of a proven success rather than one who … [Read more...] about New York & Washington
International Woman’s Year
How does the Federal bureaucracy fund new projects which Congress has not approved and for which Congress has not appropriated any money? A good example is provided by the way Federal tax dollars are currently being spent for International Women's … [Read more...] about International Woman’s Year
Gauvin on Vietnam
In the final hours of the fall of South Vietnam, the news media printed and aired extensive wrap-up coverage on the entire tragedy in Southeast Asia. Somehow, however, our gigantic news gathering facilities failed to interview the man who is … [Read more...] about Gauvin on Vietnam
Solution for Unemployment
Our biggest problem today is not the energy shortage. It is the job shortage. More than nine million Americans are un employed, and their savings and unemployment benefits are running out fast. George Meany has been running large newspaper ads to … [Read more...] about Solution for Unemployment