The liberal spending complex in government and education is in shock about the dramatic proposal of former California Governor Ronald Reagan for a $25 billion federal income tax cut next year and a $90 billion cut in federal spending -- enough to … [Read more...] about Reagan’s Tax Cut
Justice Douglas
Justice William Douglas was appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court at the age of 41 because President Franklin Roosevelt wanted to replace what were called the "nine old men" with youth ful liberal justices. Now, 36 years later, Douglas has become the … [Read more...] about Justice Douglas
Strongarming the Military
When I go to a doctor or a lawyer, I expect them to give me their best professional advice. If all they do is to find out what I think, and then tell me what they think I want to hear, I've wasted my money in paying fees to professional men trained … [Read more...] about Strongarming the Military
Federal Courts
As we begin to celebrate the 200th anniversary of our country, it is well to reflect on the unique checks and balances in our Constitution. The Founding Fathers took great care to prevent either the Executive Branch or the Congress from becoming too … [Read more...] about Federal Courts
MacMillan Guidelines
The Macmillan Publishing Company recently issued a booklet called "Guidelines for Creating Positive Sexual and Racial Images in Educational Materials."· Its purpose is to instruct authors in the use of sex-neutral language, concepts, and … [Read more...] about MacMillan Guidelines
Argentina Killings
Certain newspapers and magazines have recently been taking editorial and cartoon potshots at the Los Angeles Chief of Police, Edward Michael Davis. It seems that the liberals are turned off by the enthusiastic rhetoric that accompanies his … [Read more...] about Argentina Killings
Forced Busing
How much longer are the American people going to put up with the unjust, unnecessary, tyrannical court-ordered forced busing of our school children? Busing certainly has not improved race relations. It has caused the most bitter racial strife and … [Read more...] about Forced Busing
Trouble With Conservatives
Vice President Nelson Rockefeller recently made a foray into the Deep South prospecting for fri·ends who might come in handy dur ing the campaign of 1976. Nelson Rockefeller is a good example of a Number Two who is still trying harder, and he knew … [Read more...] about Trouble With Conservatives
Reading at Home
The opening of school this fall·confronted the public with many thorny problems. In some areas it is busing, in others it is controversial textbooks, and in still others it is teachers' strikes. What is the solution for parents who simply want their … [Read more...] about Reading at Home
Israeli-Egyptian Peace
Before we commit ourselves to station American technicians to guard the shaky Sinai peace between the Israeli and Egyptian armies, we should have a clear picture of why we are involved. Two years ago, the Israelis were perfectly able to secure … [Read more...] about Israeli-Egyptian Peace