Most murders are committed either in the heat of passion, or as ancillary to other crimes such as robbery or rape, or as the irrational act of a criminal psychopath. A different and very special type of murder took place recently when the Bolivian … [Read more...] about Communist Assassinations
Religion in Politics
In 1960 the winning presidential candidate, John F. Kennedy, went to great pains to put distance between himself and his church and to reassure every questioner that his religion would never interfere with his judgment as President. His campaign … [Read more...] about Religion in Politics
Lessons of Cambodia
The bits and pieces of news that have percolated out of Cambodia since that country went behind the bamboo curtain last year are so horrible that it is almost as though we are hearing reports about a race of subhuman monsters on another planet. The … [Read more...] about Lessons of Cambodia
Jobs Creation Bill
At the end of World War II, victorious Great Britain fired its wartime leader Winston Churchill, defeated the Conservatives, and voted the Socialists into power. The same year the U.S. State Department sent a commission to the country we defeated and … [Read more...] about Jobs Creation Bill
Kissinger in Africa
If there ever was a speech that seemed calculated to start a war, it was Henry Kissinger's speech in Zambia calling for the overthrow of the government of Rhodesia, Delivered the day after Tanzania threatened that "the war has started" for Rhodesia, … [Read more...] about Kissinger in Africa
Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
The CIA, which has a consistent record of always underestimating Soviet actions and capabilities, discovered this spring that the Soviet Union is devoting two and a half times as much of its Gross National Product to military expenditures as the CIA … [Read more...] about Build B-1 and Cruise Missile
Speck and Early Parole
A recent resolution introduced into the Illinois Legislature dramatically illustrates the injustice of failing to impose the death penalty for heinous crimes. In Chicago on the night of July 14, 1966, a vicious criminal named Richard Speck … [Read more...] about Speck and Early Parole
Communist Threat in Italy
Italy is the home port of the American Sixth Fleet. Italy hosts a network of American bases and NATO facilities, and is at the center of NATO political and military planning and operations. Italy is also a charter member of the NATO Nuclear Planning … [Read more...] about Communist Threat in Italy
Conservative Victories
Are you a person who says a glass is half full or half empty? When you ask the score of a ball game, do you ask "who's winning?" or "who's losing?" The same facts exist in both examples, but your comment is all in your point of view. Most news … [Read more...] about Conservative Victories
There is a new slogan sprouting on automobile bumpers that says: "If you like the Postal Service, you'll love nationalized oil." It is a measure of public disaffection with ever slower and ever more costly mail delivery that it has become a … [Read more...] about POSTAL MONOPOLY