The speeches that placed the name of Ellen McCormick in nomination for president at the Democratic National Convention make it clear that the Republican who has the best chance to defeat Jimmy Carter is Ronald Reagan. The long string of successes … [Read more...] about The Anti-Abortion Constituency
The speeches that placed the name of Ellen McCormick in nomination for president at the Democratic National Convention make it clear that the Republican who has the best chance to defeat Jimmy Carter is Ronald Reagan. The long string of successes … [Read more...] about THE ANTI-ABORTION CONSTITUENCY
Photo:Warren Commission presenting report on assassination of John F. Kennedy to Lyndon Johnson; Author:Cecil Stoughton; Public Domain If Watergate is this century's most famous example of a coverup, then the new report of the Senate Select … [Read more...] about KENNEDY ASSASSINATION COVERUP
Senator Birch Bayh, whose claim to fame in recent years has been as proposer of several constitutional amendments and as the one who stopped passage of the proposed Human Life Amendment, has bounced back into the news as the sponsor of a new bill … [Read more...] about OIL DIVESTITURE
Meaning of the Bicentennial
Do you know what we will be celebrating the Bicentennial of on July 4, 1976? The start or finish of the American Revolution? The writing or ratification of the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights? The Boston Tea Party? The Battles of Bunker Hill, … [Read more...] about Meaning of the Bicentennial
Dropping Out of Motherhood
Like most college graduates, I receive a magazine sent regularly with the compliments of my alma mater. The current issue of the 'Radcliffe Quarterly" presents statistics which show that, whereas all young women are having fewer children, four-year … [Read more...] about Dropping Out of Motherhood
Danger From Mexico
"Don't worry, the Reds are still 90 miles away"was the sarcastic slogan of the 1960s designed to focus attention on the stupidity of our State Department, first, in supporting Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba, second, in withdrawing air and sea … [Read more...] about Danger From Mexico
Among the Congressmen who will be retiring at the end of this year is me of the most conscientious and capable ever to serve: Leonor K. Sullivan, now completing her 24th year representing the people of st. Louis. She has built her record in Congress … [Read more...] about LEONOR SULLIVAN
Student Loan Program
The Higher Education Act of 1965 established the guaranteed student loan program in order to enable financially needy students to attend college or vocational school. Under this program, a student can borrow up to $5,000 for undergraduate college or … [Read more...] about Student Loan Program
Stealing the Bicentennial
Almost anyone could have predicted that some unscrupulous peddlers would try to make a fast buck by packaging shoddy merchandise in red-white-and-blue Bicentennial wrappings. What is surprising, however, is the magnitude of the attempt to deceive the … [Read more...] about Stealing the Bicentennial