The New York City school system has announced that it is taking strenuous measures to cope with one of its biggest problems. No, it’s not illiteracy or pregnancies or dropouts. It is the dramatic rise in violence in and around the schools. School … [Read more...] about School Isn’t Safe in New York City
Playing Games About Drugs
“Zero Tolerance” and “Just Say No!” are quickly becoming de rigueur for anyone aspiring to make a splash in political circles. With the overwhelming majority of Americans looking for strong leadership to overcome widespread drug addiction, … [Read more...] about Playing Games About Drugs
Glasnost and the Katyn Forest Massacre
Glasnost isn’t so open after all. Mikhail Gorbachev’s de-Stalinization campaign ground to a sudden halt when it came face to face with admitting the truth about one of the greatest crimes in history – the Katyn Forest Massacre. Gorbachev had … [Read more...] about Glasnost and the Katyn Forest Massacre
Among the several times that Mikhail and Raisa Gorbachev showed their bad manners while ln Washington for the recent Summit, the most outrageous was when Gorby declaimed, " What moral right does the United Stales have to preach to us, to the rest of … [Read more...] about WHO HAS THE MORAL RIGHT TO PREACH?
Plotting to Rewrite the Constitution
An unreported meeting of about 30 persons took place at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, DC on December 5 where some serious-minded movers and shakers plotted to rewrite the U.S. Constitution. A feeling of quiet arrogance pervaded the discussions; … [Read more...] about Plotting to Rewrite the Constitution
A Look at Reagan’s Tax Policies
Most people are acutely aware of the high taxes they are paying, but few people are aware of the social policies hidden behind those taxes. Nevertheless, those social policies are powerful incentives to guide and induce personal and business … [Read more...] about A Look at Reagan’s Tax Policies
Hope and Despair
When the American POWs coming home after the Korean War were debriefed by the Army, the doctors discovered that some Gls had become victims of a strange new disease which they labeled "giveupitis." Major William E. Mayer, the chief Army psychiatrist … [Read more...] about Hope and Despair
Letting Down Our Friends
A foreign policy issue, rather than a volatile social issue, has provided the best proof so far that loyalty is simply not a treasured asset in the Reagan Administration. What made this clear was the State Department's decision that it will not … [Read more...] about Letting Down Our Friends
National Institute of Education
President Reagan is trying diligently to fulfill his mandate to cut federal spending toward his long range goal of balancing the budget. Out of the some 150 programs in the Department of Education, his Office of Management and Budget has targeted one … [Read more...] about National Institute of Education
Education used to be a process of transmitting knowledge and skills from the older generation to the younger. But much of what is going on in schools today does not have that purpose at all; its goal is to change the values of the children with a … [Read more...] about PARENTS’ AND PUPILS’ RIGHTS IN EDUCATION