Americans spend about $300 billion per year on education, a truly impressive sum. If any group could control that spending Goliath, it would have incredible power because it would control not only buildings and books and personnel, but also control … [Read more...] about Carnegie’s Plan for Controlling U.S. Education
Leap Year Foolishness About the Electoral College
On December 19 when the Electoral College officially elected George Bush the 41st President of the United States, the CBS-TV Evening News pompously referred to this institution by which we elect our chiefs of state as “antiquated,” and NBC-TV … [Read more...] about Leap Year Foolishness About the Electoral College
What Happened to the 40-Hour Work Week?
A guest editorial in a very liberal newspaper recently asked the question, “What happened to the 40-hour work week?” The writer, a labor-issues reporter (Dick Meister of San Francisco), complained that employers routinely force overtime work on their … [Read more...] about What Happened to the 40-Hour Work Week?
George Bush is Right About Taxes
The pro-tax lobby and big media have been engaged since the election in a massive campaign to convince the American people (a) that George Bush’s solemn anti-tax pledge was a phony and (b) that tax increases are essential and inevitable in order to … [Read more...] about George Bush is Right About Taxes
Schools Starting to Recognize Pupils’ Privacy Rights
Three swallows do not a summer make, but straws in the wind at the local level of public education indicate that some schools are starting to show respect for parental and pupil rights. A few weeks ago, the Lyon County School Board in Nevada … [Read more...] about Schools Starting to Recognize Pupils’ Privacy Rights
Who’s For Censorship Now?
Two unrelated school incidents illustrate the kind of censorship that is demanded by those liberals, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, who regularly shout so loudly against censorship. The ACLU sent a letter to Lee’s Summit High School … [Read more...] about Who’s For Censorship Now?
Guidelines for U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade
It is imperative that we stop U.S. banks from giving preferential loans to the Soviet Bloc. We must make sure that U.S. businesses are not subsidized in their trade with the Soviet Bloc. First, it is intolerable for U.S. banks to give better rates … [Read more...] about Guidelines for U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade
SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Senator Sam Nunn gave his 20-second sound bit for the evening television news a few days ago. SDI, he said, “is a technology, not a theology.” Nunn has it backwards. SDI is indeed a theology – more precisely an ideology – not just a technology. … [Read more...] about SDI is Cost-Effective Defense
Parts of Gorby’s Speech That Didn’t Make Headlines
Soviet Party boss Mikhail Gorbachev didn’t come to New York to deliver the olive branch of peace and renunciation of war. He came to the United Nations to give the fawning liberal media some headlines about promised troop reductions while he … [Read more...] about Parts of Gorby’s Speech That Didn’t Make Headlines
Open Letter to President Reagan
Time is fast running out on your second term. Congress has adjourned, the election is over, and the public’s mind is taking a welcome recess from politics. You have only a few weeks left to tidy up and leave your House in order for your … [Read more...] about Open Letter to President Reagan