The old saying, confession is good for the soul, applies to an article in a recent American Medical News entitled “When More Doctors Smoked Camels.” It is illustrated with color reproductions of magazine ads from the 1930s and ‘40s which would be … [Read more...] about Is Physicians’ Advice Good for Your Health?
Let’s Stop Making Heroes out of Rapists
Twenty years ago, the feminists developed the theory that rape has nothing to do with sex, that it is instead an act of violence, plus evidence of male hatred and aggressiveness toward women. Maybe this strange motion is the reason why we haven’t … [Read more...] about Let’s Stop Making Heroes out of Rapists
What the Senate-Passed Daycare Bill Means
As Senate Democrats were emoting last week about how they plan to spend the taxpayers’ money to provide daycare, I had a vision of their next social program. It could sound like this. “We have a crisis in housing. American workers can’t find the … [Read more...] about What the Senate-Passed Daycare Bill Means
Who is Imposing Values on Whom?
For years the liberals have been busy creating a boogeyman out of so-called “right-wing extremists” and “fundamentalists” who allegedly are trying to “impose their values” on public schoolchildren. The current controversy about sex education makes … [Read more...] about Who is Imposing Values on Whom?
Expectations About China
The funniest thing to watch on television during the last two weeks has been the shock and disbelief in the faces and voices of the TV networks’ elite anchors about the rough turn of events in China. In measured, shocked tones, NBC’s Tom Brokaw said, … [Read more...] about Expectations About China
Don’t Blame the Republicans
It’s time we call a halt to the crybaby act waged in the press by the Democrats. As Harry Truman said, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. The liberal Democratic majority in Congress has been riding roughshod over rules, ethnics, … [Read more...] about Don’t Blame the Republicans
Will Congress Wipe Out Religious Daycare?
It is different to escape the conclusion that one major purpose of most of the daycare bills pending in Congress is to prevent all preschool children from being subject to any religious influence. Any federal legislation that would give grants for … [Read more...] about Will Congress Wipe Out Religious Daycare?
A Hidden Network Promotes Federal Baby-Sitting
Where is the pressure coming from to make baby-sitting of preschool children, including infants, a federal function? Of course, we know that the liberals always propose a new federal agency as the “solution” to every problem, and we know that the … [Read more...] about A Hidden Network Promotes Federal Baby-Sitting
Loyalties and Disloyalties
A controversial article in The New Yorker a few weeks ago by New York Times writer Janet Malcolm hit journalists’ self-esteem and self-righteousness right in the solar plexus. “Every journalist,” she wrote, “is a kind of confidence man” who gains the … [Read more...] about Loyalties and Disloyalties
Selling the Brady Plan on TV
Watching the latest MacNeil-Lehrer documentary on Third World debt must leave most listeners wondering what the problem really is. The piece showed many aspects of this issue but it didn’t pose the right questions. We were correctly told that … [Read more...] about Selling the Brady Plan on TV