Television viewers during the past week were treated to a lot of extraordinary gymnastics by women. The athletic gymnastics were on display at the Olympics in Barcelona, and the mental/psychological gymnastics were shown to the nation Saturday night … [Read more...] about What do the Feminists Really Want?
Has Bill Clinton Changed the Democratic Party?
Presidential candidate Bill Clinton says he wants change. The word “change” is in his every other sentence, which may be the biggest legacy of Ross Perot's foray into national politics. But, as Barbara Jordan intoned: “change from what, to what?” … [Read more...] about Has Bill Clinton Changed the Democratic Party?
What is the Big Teacher’s Union Up to This Year?
The National Education Association (NEA) held its annual convention July 3-8 in Washington, D.C. Its 81500 delegates passed scores of policy resolutions which empower its staff to spend its $164,347 t425 budget in support of its left-libera1 … [Read more...] about What is the Big Teacher’s Union Up to This Year?
We Still Have an Activist Supreme Court
When we elected Ronald Reagan President, conservatives dreamed that we would soon get a strict-constructionist Supreme Court. We hoped for an end to judicial activism -- the practice of writing into U.S. law the social preferences of the sitting … [Read more...] about We Still Have an Activist Supreme Court
Burly Boris Yeltsin bowled them over in Washington when he addressed Congress. And no wonder. A master politician, he had studied his American audience, and he talked our language. He seized the opportunity to speak the truth that only diehard … [Read more...] about TWO SPEECHES IN CONTRAST
Two Speeches in Contrast
Burly Boris Yeltsin bowled them over in Washington when he addressed congress. And no wonder. A master politician, studied his American audience, and he talked our language. He seized the opportunity to speak the truth that only diehard right-wing … [Read more...] about Two Speeches in Contrast
Who is the Cultural Elite?
Vice President Dan Quayle has upset a lot of people by his criticisms of the “cultural elite.” I watched a television interviewer hammering him last week. “You were born into a wealthy family,” she said; "you yourself must be part of the … [Read more...] about Who is the Cultural Elite?
Bad and Good Advice to Teenagers
Of all the proposals made for dealing with the problem of teen pregnancy, the most irresponsible is the one submitted on May 26 by Cook County Commissioner Maria Pappas. She is calling on Chicago and its suburbs to “vaccinate” or “immunize” all teen … [Read more...] about Bad and Good Advice to Teenagers
The Women in Combat Commission
The Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in Combat has been wrestling all year with the issue of how to advise the Pentagon on this controversial issue. It’s still an open question. The issue is not whether women can be assigned to … [Read more...] about The Women in Combat Commission
Sex Education is a Burning Controversy
It probably would be difficult for the national media to believe, but sex education is really a hotter news item and a more compelling issue with more Americans than Yugoslavia, the Middle East, or even the Presidential election. A state committee … [Read more...] about Sex Education is a Burning Controversy