With grace in adversity, President Bush took "full responsibility" for his defeat. But then he added, “There must be no finger pointing.” I beg to differ, first, because we can’t plan the future unless we properly assess the mistakes of the past and, … [Read more...] about Yes, Indeed, It’s Time for Finger Pointing
The Brits are Really Reforming Education
The British Education Secretary, John Patten, is doing for his country what we devoutly wish our Education President and Secretary of Education would do for Americans. In a dramatic national policy decision this fall, he rejected the “progressive” … [Read more...] about The Brits are Really Reforming Education
Michigan Senate Speaks Up for Parents
A state legislative committee set up to investigate a controversial curriculum used in Michigan's public schools has just issued a sensational report. It shreds the curriculum of all pretense of academic purpose, and it accuses the state education … [Read more...] about Michigan Senate Speaks Up for Parents
Bush and the Economy
The “mother” of all dishonest television ads is the current Clinton spot which accuses George Bush of raising taxes, specifically citing the tax increase in the so-called “deficit reduction package” of October 1990. In fact, that 1990 tax increase … [Read more...] about Bush and the Economy
The Phony Education Bill Bit the Dust
By a single vote, the U.S. Senate tossed into the “circular file” the big “education” boondoggle that Ted Kennedy was trying to foist on the American people and President Bush. The taxpayers can breathe a sigh of relief that the deficit won’t be … [Read more...] about The Phony Education Bill Bit the Dust
Questions for Bill Clinton
At the end of NBC’s Meet the Press last Sunday, all the panelists were asked to state a question they would like to ask a Presidential candidate. The rest of us can play the game too. Here are some questions I would like to ask Bill Clinton. Why … [Read more...] about Questions for Bill Clinton
Censorship vs. Parents’ Rights
A funny thing happened. on the way to People for the American Way's annual press release on “censorship.” The usual laundry list of complaints about library books and supplementary reading such as Huckleberry Finn and Catcher in the Rye have faded … [Read more...] about Censorship vs. Parents’ Rights
The Social Injustice and Economic Folly of Family Leave
Family Values is the buzzword that is supposed to trigger votes in 1992 -- both George Bush and Bill Clinton use the phrase daily. But there’s a fundamental difference between the two candidates' definition of the tern. To the Democrats, Family … [Read more...] about The Social Injustice and Economic Folly of Family Leave
Hillary Clinton’s Paper Trail
One of the amusing diversions on early fall television is the way the political pundits are treating women in this so-called “year of the woman.” The Democratic women candidates for office (such as Carol Moseley Braun and Dianne Feinstein) are … [Read more...] about Hillary Clinton’s Paper Trail
Comparing the Two Party Platforms
A reading of the Democratic and Republican Party Platforms should convince most people that there is a fundamental difference between them. In goals, values, and approach to the institutions of family and government, the two parties are headed in … [Read more...] about Comparing the Two Party Platforms