"I want each and every one of you to know with certainty that, when you stand up to the privatizers and the voucher pushers, you'll have behind you every bit of support that this organization can muster." That "every bit of support" started with a … [Read more...] about The NEA Steps Up its Anti-Parent Policies
Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
President Clinton's national "servitude" bill is a misguided effort which promises to make it easier for young people to afford college. Mounting evidence suggests that we are sending too many of them to college already. At least 35 percent of … [Read more...] about Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
Congress Promotes Decadence
The good news is that 20 more Congressmen than last year voted to defund the National Endowment for the Arts. The bad news is that the House voted 322 to 105 to reward that contemptible agency with $130,000 more of the taxpayers' money than it spent … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Decadence
Time for a New Look at Immigration
Those who oppose President Clinton's tax increase are usually challenged by reporters to say which federal programs they would cut. Here's an answer: cut out or reduce the billions of dollars spent on immigrants, both legal and illegal. A new … [Read more...] about Time for a New Look at Immigration
Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?
The Clinton Administration announced this month that mental health care coverage will be part of the "standard benefits package" that all health plans will be required to offer under Hillary's "reform." We are told that this decision was made … [Read more...] about Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?
Welfare Reform Should Cost Less, Not More
Rep. Jan Meyers (R-Kan) has come up with the best idea for real welfare reform that anybody has had since welfare became an entitlement in the 1960s. Unlike most "reforms", it will cost the taxpayers less, not more. Her bill is based on an … [Read more...] about Welfare Reform Should Cost Less, Not More
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist Extremism
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's writings reveal her as an advocate of the extremist feminist notion that any differentiation whatsoever on account of gender should be unconstitutional. Her radical views are made clear in a book called "sex Bias in the U.S. … [Read more...] about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist Extremism
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View
How does it happen that a Supreme Court nominee whose only experience in private law practice was seven years as general counsel to the ACLU came to be praised by almost everyone as a "moderate" and a "centrist"? My theory is: This just proves how … [Read more...] about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View
Violence and Sex on TV Have Gone Too Far
Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee this month, "I refuse to believe that the cruelties visited on this Republic can be blamed on television." He was defending Hollywood against … [Read more...] about Violence and Sex on TV Have Gone Too Far
Public School Attacks on Parents
The public school establishment has launched an all-out attack on parents and taxpayers who presume to make any criticism of offensive curriculum content or poor academic results. Armed with an arsenal of epithets and hot-button smear words such as … [Read more...] about Public School Attacks on Parents