Do you think the United Nations should be able to mandate the "right" of children to refuse to do their homework? Or to be force-fed a curriculum of multiculturalism and other trendy leftist propaganda? That's what may be in the works in the name … [Read more...] about Foreign Busybodyism About Children’s Rights
How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
"Nearly half of U.S. population are poor readers, survey says." "Two-t hirds of U.S. children read below their grade level, study finds." Those September newspaper headlines reveal a supreme American tragedy. The National Adult Literacy Survey, … [Read more...] about How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
The NEA’s Latest Outrage
Whoever opens the mail in Senator Jesse Helms's office must have had a shock upon receiving a recent unsolicited letter from Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Ph.D., the former Acting Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. She said she had just … [Read more...] about The NEA’s Latest Outrage
Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
Any time you hear the word "reform" out of the mouths of liberals, look out. It usually means gold-plating the same old bureaucracy and it always means lots more spending. That surely describes President Clinton's "education reform" bill, called … [Read more...] about Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?
President Clinton gave us a preview of his plan for health care reform in his recent Tulsa speech to the Governors. The bottom line is this: he plans to force every employer in the country to provide health insurance for all employees. To pay for … [Read more...] about So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?
The NEA Steps Up its Anti-Parent Policies
"I want each and every one of you to know with certainty that, when you stand up to the privatizers and the voucher pushers, you'll have behind you every bit of support that this organization can muster." That "every bit of support" started with a … [Read more...] about The NEA Steps Up its Anti-Parent Policies
Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
President Clinton's national "servitude" bill is a misguided effort which promises to make it easier for young people to afford college. Mounting evidence suggests that we are sending too many of them to college already. At least 35 percent of … [Read more...] about Clinton’s National Servitude Bill
Congress Promotes Decadence
The good news is that 20 more Congressmen than last year voted to defund the National Endowment for the Arts. The bad news is that the House voted 322 to 105 to reward that contemptible agency with $130,000 more of the taxpayers' money than it spent … [Read more...] about Congress Promotes Decadence
Time for a New Look at Immigration
Those who oppose President Clinton's tax increase are usually challenged by reporters to say which federal programs they would cut. Here's an answer: cut out or reduce the billions of dollars spent on immigrants, both legal and illegal. A new … [Read more...] about Time for a New Look at Immigration
Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?
The Clinton Administration announced this month that mental health care coverage will be part of the "standard benefits package" that all health plans will be required to offer under Hillary's "reform." We are told that this decision was made … [Read more...] about Will We All Pay for “Explosive Disorder Syndrome”?