When President Clinton held up that health card on television, it wasn't a credit card or a bank card. It was a RATION card, and rationing is the bottom line of his health care "reform." The revelation that 40 percent of Americans will have to pay … [Read more...] about Hillary’s Health Ration Card
Arguments for NAFTA Are Not Persuasive
The Canadian voters have just sent a message against NAFTA. I hope Republican Congressmen are listening so they don't have to suffer the fate of Canadian Conservatives. A recent letter signed by a dozen Republican Congressmen, and apparently … [Read more...] about Arguments for NAFTA Are Not Persuasive
Put Directive 13 in Permanent Deep Freeze
With the end of the Cold War and the knocking down of the Berlin Wall, there's no need for national defense any more. Right? cut the defense budget! Demobilize our troops! Close our bases! Cancel SDI! In the middle of 1993, American troops … [Read more...] about Put Directive 13 in Permanent Deep Freeze
Hillary’s Totalitarian Health Proposal
The Clinton Administration has ordered a new $26 million telephone system installed in the White House (without competitive bidding), claiming that the one used by the Bush Administration was inadequate to handle the 65,000 calls a day the President … [Read more...] about Hillary’s Totalitarian Health Proposal
Men, Learn a Lesson About Feminists
Two news stories reported on the same day reveal the double standards of the feminists as well as their extraordinary power within the Clinton Administration. One item reported Navy Secretary John H. Dalton's announcement that the Navy's top … [Read more...] about Men, Learn a Lesson About Feminists
Foreign Busybodyism About Children’s Rights
Do you think the United Nations should be able to mandate the "right" of children to refuse to do their homework? Or to be force-fed a curriculum of multiculturalism and other trendy leftist propaganda? That's what may be in the works in the name … [Read more...] about Foreign Busybodyism About Children’s Rights
How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
"Nearly half of U.S. population are poor readers, survey says." "Two-t hirds of U.S. children read below their grade level, study finds." Those September newspaper headlines reveal a supreme American tragedy. The National Adult Literacy Survey, … [Read more...] about How the Schools Betrayed Our Children
The NEA’s Latest Outrage
Whoever opens the mail in Senator Jesse Helms's office must have had a shock upon receiving a recent unsolicited letter from Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Ph.D., the former Acting Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. She said she had just … [Read more...] about The NEA’s Latest Outrage
Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
Any time you hear the word "reform" out of the mouths of liberals, look out. It usually means gold-plating the same old bureaucracy and it always means lots more spending. That surely describes President Clinton's "education reform" bill, called … [Read more...] about Look Out! Here Comes Another Expensive “Reform”!
So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?
President Clinton gave us a preview of his plan for health care reform in his recent Tulsa speech to the Governors. The bottom line is this: he plans to force every employer in the country to provide health insurance for all employees. To pay for … [Read more...] about So What’s Wrong With Clinton’s Health Plan?