Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) delivered a stunning victory for parents with the signing into law of his Parental Rights Restoration Amendment to Goals 2000. His amendment simplifies and puts teeth into the existing Protection of Pupil Rights … [Read more...] about Senator Grassley Scores Victory for Parents
False Memory Syndrome Plays in Politics, Too
False Memory Syndrome afflicts the liberal media, not merely individuals. This peculiar phenomenon, sometimes known as "recovered memory," occurs when someone suddenly starts to "remember" lurid events of bygone years. The events never really … [Read more...] about False Memory Syndrome Plays in Politics, Too
Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Wake up, Republicans in Congress, and feel the tide rolling across grassroots America. The tide is rushing against government controlled health care, and you have two options. Step out in front and act like you are leading this sea change in public … [Read more...] about Memo to Republicans Who Hope to Win Elections
Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks
It's amusing to see how the liberal male newsmen and commentators have suddenly shed their inhibitions and started to criticize Hillary Rodham Clinton. Some say there has always been a taboo against criticizing First Ladies, but that didn't stop … [Read more...] about Hillary Takes Some Hard Knocks
Why I Don’t Read to My Children
For the past several years, there has been a highly-publicized campaign to promote the notion that all parents should read to their children. This campaign has involved a lot of prominent people, and even the Wall Street Journal featured an editorial … [Read more...] about Why I Don’t Read to My Children
Federal Snoopers Want to Listen In
If you use a cordless or cellular phone, then any kid with a radio receiver can listen in on your calls - legally. Snoops can wiretap other phone conversations with a simple alligator clip, though it may not be legal without a warrant. This … [Read more...] about Federal Snoopers Want to Listen In
We’re All Paying to Promote Illegitimate Births
We might as well face it. Government doesn't have the foggiest idea how to deal with the social problem that is euphemistically labelled "teen pregnancy" but which is more accurately called promiscuity and illegitimacy. Pretending to … [Read more...] about We’re All Paying to Promote Illegitimate Births
Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
If you are not so worried about the Clinton Socialized Medicine Plan that you are actively working against it, you are in for a rude awakening. Your health and your freedom are in imminent danger of being taken over by the Federal Government. If … [Read more...] about Who Will Lead the Charge Against Socialized Medicine?
A Day of Lectures About Morality
In a dramatic happening in Washington, D. C. earlier this month, President Clinton's policies were publicly rebuked by Mother Teresa. The occasion was the interdenominational National Prayer Breakfast, an important annual event attended by hundreds … [Read more...] about A Day of Lectures About Morality
The Nonsense of Outcome-Based Education
The most controversial words in the education world today are Outcome-Based Education (sometimes called Performance-Based Education, and formerly called Mastery Learning). Parents recognize it as a process that rejects the basics, subject matter … [Read more...] about The Nonsense of Outcome-Based Education