The first post-election battle in Congress will take place at the end of this month on the legislation to approve GATT/WTO. Here are some questions the American people should ask their Senators and Congressmen. How can you vote on such an … [Read more...] about Questions to Ask Congressmen About GATT
Will Congress Repeal the U.S. Constitution?
One of our preeminent safeguards of constitutional government spelled out in the U.S. Constitution is the provision that treaties are valid only if ratified by two thirds of Senators present. If the Clinton Administration is successful in its plan … [Read more...] about Will Congress Repeal the U.S. Constitution?
GATT/WTO is a Betrayal of American Workers
"Free trade," which used to be an economic dogma for liberals and conservatives alike, has become the mantra of the advocates of GATI/WTO. But common sense should warn us that there is no.such·thing as a free lunch, and that even free trade can be … [Read more...] about GATT/WTO is a Betrayal of American Workers
Whatever Happened to the Year of the Woman?
Have you noticed what's missing from media pre-election comment? Nobody's talking about "the Year of the Woman" or the "Gender Gap," both of which always were slogans to advance the ideology and the candidates of the radical feminist … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to the Year of the Woman?
How GATT/WTO Must be Changed
Every House and Senate candidate for office in this year's election has a moral obligation to the voters to declare publicly how he or she will vote on the GATI /WTO legislation, which is scheduled to be voted on in the House on November 29 and in … [Read more...] about How GATT/WTO Must be Changed
Whatever Happened to the Liberal’s Devotion to Privacy?
The liberals love to talk about the value of privacy - when it supports their political agenda, that is. But when it comes to the privacy of our personal thoughts, the liberals don't object to the grossest violations. The most … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to the Liberal’s Devotion to Privacy?
The Secret Media Subsidies in WTO/GATT
We've heard a lot from the media in recent weeks about the danger from "special interests" influencing legislation. We've heard a lot about the expensive pork that the pigs (excuse me, Congressmen) tuck away in the fine print of legislation. Such … [Read more...] about The Secret Media Subsidies in WTO/GATT
Surprise Results of Sex Education
Liberal research has just achieved an astounding breakthrough! An establishment publication has just reported that sex education, as it is typically taught in public schools all over the United States, does not have any measurable impact on … [Read more...] about Surprise Results of Sex Education
Revealing Secrets About College Education
A shocking secret about some of the most prestigious institutions in the United States has finally broken onto the front page of the New York Times. A college education no longer takes four years! According to the National Center for Education … [Read more...] about Revealing Secrets About College Education
Clinton is Itching to Take Us into War Again
Desperate to bring himself up in the polls just two months before the mid-term elections in November, President Clinton has apparently decided to start a war. Don't Americans always rally round the President, in a burst of patriotism, after a war … [Read more...] about Clinton is Itching to Take Us into War Again