Bill Clinton's policy of cozying up to Communist China by granting Most Favored Nation (MFN) status is in shambles. The question of the moment is, will Bob Dole let Clinton dangle on the limb of his own mistake or save him from … [Read more...] about Reject MFN For Communist China
Pupil Privacy Law Is Needed
The school establishment has suddenly discovered a bill that passed the House last year and is pending in the Senate which may interfere with plans to build files of personal information on public school pupils and their families. The Family Privacy … [Read more...] about Pupil Privacy Law Is Needed
Beware Of Con Con Hidden In Term Limits Petition
One of the most popular and successful grassroots movements of the last decade has been the movement for Term Limits. All polls show that more than 70 percent of Americans support Term Limits for Members of Congress. This majority is based on the … [Read more...] about Beware Of Con Con Hidden In Term Limits Petition
What’s Going On With Bob Dole’s Friends?
Why are the so-called Republican moderates undermining Bob Dole's presidential candidacy? Doesn't he have enough problems without his friends planting mines on his road to the White House? First, Governors Christine Whitman and Pete Wilson gave … [Read more...] about What’s Going On With Bob Dole’s Friends?
The Reincarnation Of Clinton Care
One of the most obnoxious features of the Clinton health care plan (which died the death of a thousand cuts in 1994) was its creation of a long list of new federal "Health Care Crimes." It now appears that the Republicans, in their eagerness to … [Read more...] about The Reincarnation Of Clinton Care
Books About What’s Going On At Colleges
Those who just learned about the dumbing down of our best colleges from the slashing report of the National Association of Scholars should do their homework by reading some of the excellent books written during the last several years. Allan Bloom's … [Read more...] about Books About What’s Going On At Colleges
The Tide Is Turning Against Federal Education Bills
We've heard a lot about Republican plans to return power to the states. Bob Dole, in his stump speech, ostentatiously pulls a copy of the Tenth Amendment from his pocket, reminding us about the powers that are "reserved to the States respectively, or … [Read more...] about The Tide Is Turning Against Federal Education Bills
MSAs Are The Republicans’ Best Issue
What are Republicans going to do about the top election-year issue, which is jobs, wages and income? Real (inflation-adjusted) weekly wages have dropped almost 5 percent since 1979. Business spokesmen are trying to downplay this data by arguing … [Read more...] about MSAs Are The Republicans’ Best Issue
The Dumbing Down Of America’s Colleges
The 1996 Governors Education Summit at Palisades, New York, spent two days discussing "standards" for what students should learn in public schools. Longtime American Federation of Teachers president Al Shanker gave this concept a reality check. He … [Read more...] about The Dumbing Down Of America’s Colleges
Why Do They Call It “Free Trade”?
Why do some people persist in mouthing the mantra "free trade" when foreign countries can and do engage in all sorts of dishonest tactics that interfere with trade, such as devaluation or other manipulation of the value of their money, confiscation … [Read more...] about Why Do They Call It “Free Trade”?