Now that women are attending law schools in greater numbers, feminists are turning up as law school professors, law review writers, state legislators, congressional staffers, prosecutors, law clerks, and even judges. The result is … [Read more...] about Feminist Assault On Reasonableness
Clinton Is Trying to be Big Brother
We hope the appropriate government agencies will soon solve the recent terrorist crimes and punish the criminals. But all Americans who care about civil liberties should vigorously resist President Clinton's attempt to use the terrorist attacks as an … [Read more...] about Clinton Is Trying to be Big Brother
Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
The U.S. Senate should reject ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), a treaty that purports to ban chemical weapons and forbid their production, stockpiling, and use. Contrary to its announced purpose, this foolish treaty … [Read more...] about Senate Should Reject the Chemical Weapons Convention
The Nea Stages a Clinton Rally
It's hard to see how the Democratic National Convention in August could be any more exciting for Bill Clinton than the annual convention of the National Education Association held over the Fourth of July weekend. The NEA Convention had … [Read more...] about The Nea Stages a Clinton Rally
Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!
One of our most important constitutional rights is the right of inventors to have, for limited times, "the exclusive right to their . . . discoveries." This uniquely American provision in Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution … [Read more...] about Protect Our Constitutional Patent Rights!
Open Letter to VMI Alumni
Dear Alumni: Your VMI training not only taught you to be tough, courageous and honorable, but also to survive humiliation and harassment. You are now facing your greatest challenge. You've lost a major battle. Are you going to be survivors, or … [Read more...] about Open Letter to VMI Alumni
Self-Appointed Monitors Of Corporate Responsibility
The CEO of Cypress in Silicon Valley has just issued an eloquent put-down of the social-responsibility busybodies who are trying to intimidate corporations into selecting their boards of directors on the basis of racial and gender diversity. T.J. … [Read more...] about Self-Appointed Monitors Of Corporate Responsibility
Whatever Happened To Competition in School?
When it comes to the Olympic Games, everyone seems to understand that competition produces the winners and the record-breakers. It's unlikely that the athletes could reach such heights of achievement and endurance if they were not competing against … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened To Competition in School?
Phonics Boom
It's many years overdue, but the scandal of widespread illiteracy has finally become a topic of general discussion and debate, from local newspapers to network TV news. Americans are at last being told the tragic fact that the public schools are … [Read more...] about Phonics Boom
MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs
Why is the Republican leadership in Congress so strangely silent about the problems with Managed Care and HMOs (Health Maintenance Organizations)? Why is the Republican leadership so lame in its defense of Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs), which are … [Read more...] about MSAs Are The Alternative To HMOs