For the fifth straight quarter, the U.S. Treasury opened up its sacks of mail and discovered an unexpected windfall of money. April's surplus is more than three times larger than the Congressional Budget Office and other Congressional forecasters had … [Read more...] about The Surplus That Politicians Want to Hide
Copyrights vs. The Public Interest
Bill Clinton got a big laugh when he joked at the White House Correspondents' Dinner that the 105th Congress is, like Seinfeld, about "nothing." But that's not true; Congress is trying to pass some very detrimental laws in some areas where we wish it … [Read more...] about Copyrights vs. The Public Interest
Timely Advice to College Students
This is the time of year when students are being shocked about the sticker price of college tuition. But there is a lot more than price that they ought to be pondering when they select their college and their courses. Here is some timely … [Read more...] about Timely Advice to College Students
Let’s Play Twenty Questions about NATO Expansion
The Senate is scheduled to vote this week on the centerpiece of Clinton's global plans, the NATO Expansion Treaty. Because this treaty would control our foreign policy for decades into the future, we are entitled to have the answers to these twenty … [Read more...] about Let’s Play Twenty Questions about NATO Expansion
Second Thoughts in the House about IMF
In a letter to his colleagues, Majority Leader Dick Armey has just identified what he calls the Clinton Doctrine as the rationale for the Administration's demand that the American taxpayers pony up $18 billion for the International Monetary Fund … [Read more...] about Second Thoughts in the House about IMF
Lessons from the Paula Jones Case
We may never get satisfactory legal answers, or even political answers, to the many questions raised by the Clinton sex scandals. But we are learning some social and cultural lessons, and they are not pretty. The dismissal of the Paula Jones case … [Read more...] about Lessons from the Paula Jones Case
NATO Expansion Is European Welfare
All the arguments that the Republican Congress used in order to pass welfare reform, after President Clinton vetoed it twice, apply just as importantly to the upcoming vote on the NATO Expansion Treaty. This Treaty would continue old-style welfare to … [Read more...] about NATO Expansion Is European Welfare
Will Republicans Give Clinton NATO Victory?
President Bill Clinton made the NATO Expansion Treaty his primary foreign policy objective in his State of the Union Message. It was also an essential (albeit little reported) element of his 1996 campaigning in big cities with large blocs of ethnic … [Read more...] about Will Republicans Give Clinton NATO Victory?
Big Brother Is on the Prowl
Do you worry that Big Brother (a.k.a. the Federal Government) wants to monitor your e-mail, your phone calls, your health and financial records, and your business? You should, and that's why Sen. John Ashcroft's Subcommittee on the Constitution is … [Read more...] about Big Brother Is on the Prowl
Adios Bilingual Education!
If trend-setting California passes the English For the Children initiative on June 2, that will be good news for public school children all over the country. This initiative would require that all children in California public schools be taught in … [Read more...] about Adios Bilingual Education!