Hiding behind the unprecedented headlines of the last few weeks, "Big Brother" government has been steadily expanding its encroachments on our personal privacy. What we thought was one of the most benign and beloved of federal agencies, the Federal … [Read more...] about Monitoring Law-Abiding Americans
The Lesson of Pinochet’s Arrest
The British arrest of General Augusto Pinochet provides stunning proof of why the United States should never join the International Criminal Court (ICC). Traveling to London on a diplomatic passport to have surgery, the 83-year-old Chilean Senator … [Read more...] about The Lesson of Pinochet’s Arrest
Impeachment Is A Defining Issue
The upcoming vote in the House of Representatives on a resolution to impeach President Clinton is a defining issue that will be remembered in the 2000 election. It's comparable to the Senate vote on April 18, 1978 to give away our canal in … [Read more...] about Impeachment Is A Defining Issue
Republicans Must Seize the Health Care Initiative
Republican losses in the recent election are partly attributable to Congress's default on the health care issue. The Republican Congress has refused for four years to empower patients with real control over their own health care. Instead, the … [Read more...] about Republicans Must Seize the Health Care Initiative
Media Spin Is Covering Up The Facts
Media spin is disguising and distorting the facts that Americans need to know. Let's puncture some of the spin. Spin: The Republicans lost the 1998 Congressional elections. Fact: The Republicans won the 1998 Congressional elections by electing a … [Read more...] about Media Spin Is Covering Up The Facts
Why Disney Has Clout with the Republican Congress
Eagle Forum filed an amicus curiae brief in the case that challenges Congress's action in 1998 in giving a billion-dollar windfall to Disney by extending its copyright on Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, etc. another 20 years. Do you sometimes … [Read more...] about Why Disney Has Clout with the Republican Congress
Republicans Should Put on a Happy Face
Republicans should look at the cheerful side of the 1998 election. It was really a great victory because it has enabled Republican Members of Congress to dump their so-called "leadership" that has been floundering with one failed strategy after … [Read more...] about Republicans Should Put on a Happy Face
ABM Should Be Republicans’ Unifying Issue
Now that the hyperbole of the political campaign is behind us, the Republican Congress should buckle down to the business of doing its constitutional duty to provide for the common defense. In the post-Cold War era, Republicans have been seeking a … [Read more...] about ABM Should Be Republicans’ Unifying Issue
The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
The radio ads that I heard every morning during most of the Clinton years urging me to invest in the "global economy" have disappeared from the airwaves. It's now clear that "global economy" is a euphemism for transferring American tax dollars and … [Read more...] about The Costs of Trading in the Global Economy
Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees
The decision in Southworth v. Grebe, handed down recently by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, didn't make it onto national television, but it can have a profound effect on American culture and politics. The court held that it is a … [Read more...] about Court Deals Blow to Mandatory College Fees