The elaborate marble mausoleum in India called the Taj Mahal, one of the world's most extravagant monuments, was built as the tomb of an emperor's favorite wife. The proposed new building complex to house the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) … [Read more...] about The Taj Mahal Could Be the Tomb of Our Patent System
What Caused Columbine?
Everybody's looking for the causes of the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and for ways to prevent such horrible happenings in the future. Hillary Clinton has volunteered her intuition that "part of growing up is … [Read more...] about What Caused Columbine?
Show Me the Money. Know Your Passenger.
"Show me the money." That famous movie line, spoken by an actor who won an Academy Award, helps explain why politicians are racing to establish control over financial, medical, travel, and all other types of American citizens' personal and public … [Read more...] about Show Me the Money. Know Your Passenger.
Was it “According to Plan”? Did Nothing “Go Wrong”?
Have you noticed how few Members of Congress are willing to go on television and spell out clearly their position on Clinton's war against Yugoslavia? It's time for Congress to stand up and be counted, and Rep. Tom Campbell (R-CA) has introduced a … [Read more...] about Was it “According to Plan”? Did Nothing “Go Wrong”?
Congress Must Deal With Executive Orders
Not only does President Clinton not feel any shame about his impeachment; as he told Dan Rather recently, Clinton now feels stronger than ever, able to ignore and override the U.S. Constitution by exercising extraordinary new powers that no President … [Read more...] about Congress Must Deal With Executive Orders
Don’t Make the Vietnam Mistake in Kosovo
Are the American people going to allow Bill Clinton to get by with taking America into a war? Will the American people let Clinton make the LBJ Vietnam mistake of sinking us deeper and deeper into a faraway quagmire, while his supporters are crawling … [Read more...] about Don’t Make the Vietnam Mistake in Kosovo
Clintonites Close In On Our Medical Records
While the American people were trying to kill the FDIC Know Your Customer plan to monitor our financial records, the Clintonites have been moving steadily and craftily to grab access to our health records. Just as local bankers were to have been … [Read more...] about Clintonites Close In On Our Medical Records
Does Sovereignty Matter?
Bill Clinton's threats to enter the Kosovo conflict are a direct attack on national sovereignty, our own as well as Yugoslavia's. The foreign policy gurus of the Clinton Administration don't believe in the concept of sovereignty and are trying to … [Read more...] about Does Sovereignty Matter?
Who Controls Your Medical Records?
We had hoped that the 106th Congress would address the health care and HMO issue by giving more power to patients. Instead, the House Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property has scheduled a hearing this week on a bill to lay the groundwork … [Read more...] about Who Controls Your Medical Records?
China’s Espionage Proves We Need a Missile Defense
Editor's Note: After President Clinton dropped his long-standing threat to veto it, the Senate passed S.257 on March 17 by a vote of 97-3. On March 18, the House passed a similar bill, H.R. 4, by a vote of 317-105. We heard a lot of posturing this … [Read more...] about China’s Espionage Proves We Need a Missile Defense