Seattle, the home of Microsoft and Boeing, was supposed to be the Gateway to the Global Economy. Shattered shop windows and tear gas made it instead the gateway to Americans' knowledge about the World Trade Organization (WTO). The United States was … [Read more...] about The WTO Woke Us Up In Seattle
Are We Becoming A Society Of Snoops?
As concerns fade about a Y2K breakdown of government computers, Americans should be increasingly worried about how computer efficiency gives the federal government extraordinary powers to monitor the daily activities of law-abiding Americans. Unknown … [Read more...] about Are We Becoming A Society Of Snoops?
VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power
With President Clinton issuing a blizzard of overreaching executive orders and Congress federalizing hundreds of crimes that are properly in the jurisdiction of the states, we must depend on the Supreme Court to stand for the Constitutional … [Read more...] about VAWA Tests the Limits of Federal Power
The Truth Leaks Out About Kosovo
The embarrassing truth is starting to come out that the Clinton Administration lied to us about Kosovo atrocities which were supposed to justify the bombing of Yugoslavia. In five months of investigation and exhumation of the dead in Kosovo, United … [Read more...] about The Truth Leaks Out About Kosovo
Code Word for Clinton’s Global Goals: Bipartisanship
It remains to be seen whether or not George W. Bush and other Republican presidential candidates have a coherent foreign policy, but there is no mistaking that Bill Clinton has one. His National Security Advisor Sandy Berger laid it all out in a … [Read more...] about Code Word for Clinton’s Global Goals: Bipartisanship
Is Government Ordering Experiments on Humans?
It isn't often that federal bureaucrats admit to embarrassment, but the New York Times reported on October 23 that it was "highly embarrassing to federal health officials" to have to admit the "causal association" between the RotaShield rotavirus … [Read more...] about Is Government Ordering Experiments on Humans?
Panama May Be The Biggest Blast Of Y2K
While many Americans are making party plans to celebrate Y2K on New Year's Eve, Panamanian officials are lobbying to get President Clinton or Vice President Gore to attend their unique Y2K revelry. That's the day when the U.S. flag over the Panama … [Read more...] about Panama May Be The Biggest Blast Of Y2K
Three Cheers For An End To Bipartisan Folly
The media, Bill Clinton and Al Gore have all been having tantrums about the defeat of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Clinton accused Republicans of "partisan politics" and "a new isolationism," and Gore chimed in with a chorus of calling … [Read more...] about Three Cheers For An End To Bipartisan Folly
Red China: New Gatekeeper Of Our Canal
Jimmy Carter never would have been able to ram through his two treaties giving away our Panama Canal if the Senate in 1978 could have looked into the future and known that, when the U.S. Flag is lowered on December 31, 1999, Red China would become … [Read more...] about Red China: New Gatekeeper Of Our Canal
Time To Abolish Federally Financed
The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has returned to center stage, insulting our sensibilities, offending our religion, and degrading our public life. The coarsening of our culture has been dominated by the behavior of the Clintons for so long … [Read more...] about Time To Abolish Federally Financed