It's time to realize that the term limits movement itself has limits. It works well for the president, governors, state legislators, and even congressional chairmanships, where the trappings of power become irresistible. But it makes no sense for … [Read more...] about Time To Put Limits On Term Limits For Congress
How Did We Get A Federal Curriculum?
Behind frequent protestations by public officials about local control of the schools, a federal curriculum has been quietly imposed by law. All the pieces are now in place for this major goal of the Clinton Administration. Elementary and secondary … [Read more...] about How Did We Get A Federal Curriculum?
Ohio Tackles Evolution Controversy
How the subject of evolution is treated in the classroom has emerged again as a source of controversy, this time in the Ohio State Board of Education. Until now, Ohio public schools have not mandated any direct teaching about the … [Read more...] about Ohio Tackles Evolution Controversy
ID Cards Coming In The Back Door?
Having had to retreat from legislative attempts to establish a national ID card through Social Security numbers or unique health care identifiers, Congress seems to be trying a new tack to implement this wholly un-American idea. Congress has … [Read more...] about ID Cards Coming In The Back Door?
Feminism Meets Terrorism
One of the unintended consequences of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 was the dashing of feminist hopes to make America a gender-neutral or androgynous society. New York City's fireMEN dared to charge up the … [Read more...] about Feminism Meets Terrorism
Does America Have A Future?
The establishment and the media elite would rather that the American people not read Patrick Buchanan's new book “The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization." That's … [Read more...] about Does America Have A Future?
First Order of Business: Visa Reform
As Congress returns to Washington this January, no business is more important than making our borders secure from potential terrorists. So much needs to be done, but a good start would be speedy passage of the Visa Entry Reform Act (H.R. 3229) … [Read more...] about First Order of Business: Visa Reform
Leave No Child Behind
Both liberals and conservatives have a big problem with George W. Bush: he is fulfilling his campaign promises. This includes bringing back dignity to the White House, passing the best tax cut he could get the Democrats to agree to, scrubbing the … [Read more...] about Leave No Child Behind
Court Puts The Lid On Nosy Questionnaires
Many parents assume that the tests given to their children in public school are only for educational purposes. To the contrary, schools increasingly demand that students answer nosy questions unrelated to academics. That practice may soon end due to … [Read more...] about Court Puts The Lid On Nosy Questionnaires
What’s Hiding Behind The Student Visa Scandal
A funny thing happened on the way to Senator Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) proposal to take a six-month time-out on issuing visas to foreign students in order to defend Americans from fraud and potential terrorists. She was backed into a corner by an … [Read more...] about What’s Hiding Behind The Student Visa Scandal