Zero tolerance has become ridiculous when applied to little boys playing cops and robbers or drawing pictures of guns, but it's sound and sensible when applied to illegal drugs. It's one of the ways Congress chose to address the persistent … [Read more...] about Zero Tolerance On Illegal Drugs
Ban Cloning Without Enron Loophole
We realize what a fundamental difference the 2000 election made to America when we read that the New York Times has accused President George W. Bush of having a “narrow morality.” Nobody could have made such an accusation against the … [Read more...] about Ban Cloning Without Enron Loophole
Republicans Must Prepare For The Next Battle Over Judges
The name Charles Pickering should not be allowed to fade away in our memories. The Senate Judiciary Committee's 10-9 partisan defeat of President Bush's nomination of this fine judge contains lasting lessons for Republicans, conservatives, … [Read more...] about Republicans Must Prepare For The Next Battle Over Judges
Protect Americans, Repudiate The ICC
The Bush Administration just took a welcome step to disentangle the United States from the global legacy of the late, unlamented Clinton Administration. The State Department's ambassador at large for war crimes issues, Pierre Prosper, announced … [Read more...] about Protect Americans, Repudiate The ICC
The Dangers and Frauds of Diversity
The INS didn't learn any lessons from its embarrassing approval of student visas for the two dead terrorists who flew the planes into the World Trade towers on September 11. The INS fouled up again when it granted “shore leave visa … [Read more...] about The Dangers and Frauds of Diversity
Forced Drugging By Government
State governments and the federal courts are separately assuming the power to forcibly drug American citizens. The details are shocking. The federal Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit recently ordered dentist Dr. Charles Sell, charged but never … [Read more...] about Forced Drugging By Government
Federally Funded Gun Control Propaganda
The federal government says it lacks funding for much-needed research about the alarming increase in autism, asthma, diabetes and other serious childhood conditions. Now we know where scarce research money goes: to fund gun-control propaganda. The … [Read more...] about Federally Funded Gun Control Propaganda
Special-Interest Lobbyists Overlooked By The Media
The media are having a field day criticizing the lobbyists for Enron, but they are overlooking the most effective special-interest lobbyists ever to function in Washington. They have met with high- ranking administration officials, they directly … [Read more...] about Special-Interest Lobbyists Overlooked By The Media
Secrecy is a Losing Ploy
Not many people want to be accused of acting like Bill Clinton. When campaign rival John McCain compared George W. Bush to Clinton in a South Carolina television attack ad, the Bush campaign cried foul. Vice President Dick Cheney's pursuit of … [Read more...] about Secrecy is a Losing Ploy
Public School Isn’t Like I Remember It
Public schools seem to be obsessed with requiring students to fill out nosy questionnaires. The latest outrage, entitled “How Am I?”, asked 55 intrusive questions of New Jersey 7th and 8th graders. Here are a few of the nosy questions. … [Read more...] about Public School Isn’t Like I Remember It