Hooray for Hootie! At last we have a real man who can resist the histrionics of the pushy feminists. It's so refreshing to know that somewhere there is an American man willing to stand his ground -- on any issue — and tell the feminists he … [Read more...] about Hooray For Hootie
Does Mayor Bloomberg Want To Leave A Legacy?
New York City schoolchildren start this fall's classes at a cost to the taxpayers of $11,000 per pupil. They will eat more school lunches (800,000) than any institution except the armed forces and ride on more buses than the city's public … [Read more...] about Does Mayor Bloomberg Want To Leave A Legacy?
Foreign Language Ballots Are A Bad Idea
The U.S. Department of Justice took time out from its war on terrorists this month to order local election boards all across the country to publish ballots for the November election in various foreign languages. The law requires that if more than 5 … [Read more...] about Foreign Language Ballots Are A Bad Idea
Pretending Immigration Isn’t An Issue
The Republican National Committee's mail-order fundraisers often contain a comprehensive multiple-choice survey so that prospective donors can give their opinions on topics of national importance. One issue, however, is conspicuously missing from … [Read more...] about Pretending Immigration Isn’t An Issue
Dealing With The High Costs Of Health Care
The big health-care debate in Congress this summer was over the wrong issue. Instead of threatening to bankrupt Medicare by forcing the taxpayers to buy prescription drugs for seniors, Congress should relieve the taxpayers and paying-patients of the … [Read more...] about Dealing With The High Costs Of Health Care
How To Pick Judges
The delays and wrangles about President George W. Bush's scores of unconfirmed judicial nominees highlight the underlying issues between the two political parties. The Republicans want constitutionalists and the Democrats want judicial … [Read more...] about How To Pick Judges
Will Homeland Security Turn Into Homeland Spying?
If Bill Clinton were still in the White House, Republicans would be on the march against Bigger Government and Bigger Spending. Unfortunately, too many prominent Republicans are cottoning up to increased federal control and the increased spending … [Read more...] about Will Homeland Security Turn Into Homeland Spying?
NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
The National Education Association (NEA) adopted several new goals at its annual convention held in Dallas over the long Fourth of July weekend. No, they don't have anything to do with improving schoolchildren's reading, writing or … [Read more...] about NEA Conventioneers Plot Anti-Voucher Action
Careers, Choices, Costs, and Biases
America's massive news gathering apparatus and round-the-clock coverage should have us surfeited with all the news that's important. Yet two liberal-leaning authors have just tackled a subject that has consistently been off-limits to public … [Read more...] about Careers, Choices, Costs, and Biases
Stand Your Ground, Mr. President
The American servicemen who flew an AC-130 and mistakenly bombed dozens of civilians in remote Afghan villages last week can thank their lucky stars that their Commander-in-Chief is George W. Bush, not Al Gore. It doesn't take much flight of … [Read more...] about Stand Your Ground, Mr. President