President Bush is celebrating the first anniversary of his No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Education bill and hopes it will give a significant boost to his re-election in 2004. Speeches about improving public schools are always crowd-pleasers because it … [Read more...] about Can More Money Make Schools Better?
U.S. Social Security For Mexicans?
Social Security, the so-called “third rail" of American politics, has just become more incendiary. The Bush Administration is proposing a change that is even more controversial than offering younger workers the opportunity to invest a … [Read more...] about U.S. Social Security For Mexicans?
The Bush-Frist Connection Should Be A Two-Way Street
Even if President Bush didn't actually engineer Dr. Bill Frist's election as Senate Majority Leader, this regime change is perceived as a major extension of the President's power because of their close relationship. We hope that Frist … [Read more...] about The Bush-Frist Connection Should Be A Two-Way Street
Copyright Extremists Should Not Control Information Flow
Copyright extremists are working to control as much information as possible. Almost every week we see a new example of how they are thwarting the free flow of information. The leaders of the copyright lobby are the Hollywood movie distributors and … [Read more...] about Copyright Extremists Should Not Control Information Flow
Kissinger’s Exit Leaves Curious Questions Unanswered
Henry Kissinger's quick trip across the news headlines as chairman of the new commission to investigate the September 11 attacks was curious. I wish the nosy media, which love to indulge in the sport of "gotcha," would apply their … [Read more...] about Kissinger’s Exit Leaves Curious Questions Unanswered
Where Do Politicians Go In Their Afterlife?
Where do politicians go after they leave office? Politicians and their staffs usually have career planning on their radar screen. Liberal Republican Bob Franks was confronted with this issue during a heated New Jersey gubernatorial primary debate in … [Read more...] about Where Do Politicians Go In Their Afterlife?
Are The Ten Commandments Unconstitutional?
Alabama Chief Justice Roy S. Moore won his seat campaigning as the Ten Commandments Judge, and he has lived up to his billing. On August 1, 2001, he unveiled a magnificent two-and-a-half ton granite tribute to the Ten Commandments and other inspired … [Read more...] about Are The Ten Commandments Unconstitutional?
Move Over For Mexican Trucks On Our Highways
The Bush Administration delivered a double whammy on Thanksgiving Eve, timed to minimize public attention. Bush did something Ronald Reagan never would have done in appointing Henry Kissinger to head the 9/11 inquiry, and then Bush did something Bill … [Read more...] about Move Over For Mexican Trucks On Our Highways
The Mourning After The 2002 Election
Democrats are going through a process of self-flagellation trying to figure out whom to blame for their election-day debacle. Some blame their own lack of a message, some blame candidates' mistakes, some blame fallout from 9/11. The Democrats … [Read more...] about The Mourning After The 2002 Election
Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are
If you wonder why the Democratic Party has regressed into sycophantic cheerleading for radical feminist candidates (such as the Hillary Clinton clones running this year), the explanation is in a new book called “Guide to Feminist … [Read more...] about Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are