The catalogs and magazines from colleges and universities are impressive: slick paper, full color, attractive layout, lots to read. But several items of useful information are usually missing. Getting a bachelor's degree now takes five or six … [Read more...] about What College Catalogs Don’t Reveal
Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom
Gone are the days when academic freedom was the watchword of college campuses. Today, thought control is the dominant theology on campuses, often hiding behind the mantras of diversity and multiculturalism. The American Enterprise magazine's … [Read more...] about Thought Control Replaces Academic Freedom
In-State College Tuition For Illegal Aliens?
The officials of some state universities and colleges, and even some state legislators, seem to think they can get by with openly disobeying federal law. They are flagrantly violating the law that prohibits giving subsidized college tuition rates to … [Read more...] about In-State College Tuition For Illegal Aliens?
Does The 4th Amendment Cover Schoolchildren?
The liberals have been going all out to protect the privacy of individuals against government efforts to ferret out al Qaeda sleeper cells that might be plotting to kill us. But there is one thing I don't understand: why aren't they just as … [Read more...] about Does The 4th Amendment Cover Schoolchildren?
Reality History
"Gods and Generals" opened in movie theaters this past weekend, and at last we have a movie that presents truthful history rather than fiction or politically-correct revisionism. This epic recounts the gripping history of the Civil War … [Read more...] about Reality History
Bring On A Real Filibuster
The Daschle-Leahy Democrats still refuse to accept the results of the November 2002 election. They are trying to overturn it by blocking President Bush's judicial nominees. The media and the Democrats didn't discover until they read the exit … [Read more...] about Bring On A Real Filibuster
Our Border Open To Crime And Drugs
Smuggling illegal drugs into the United States has been a big money- making scheme for many years, but the industry of smuggling people may be getting even more profitable than marijuana or cocaine. Fees range from $1,000 for Mexicans to $4,000 for … [Read more...] about Our Border Open To Crime And Drugs
Wrestling With Title IX
At long last, a federal commission is trying to deal with the feminist regulatory outrages committed in the name of Title IX. The recommendations passed on January 30 by the Commission on Opportunity in Athletics are a timid start on the rocky road … [Read more...] about Wrestling With Title IX
Stealth Amnesty Is Still Amnesty
Last year's failed attempt to get Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens has morphed into stealth amnesty. This devious plan is hidden behind a little card that looks like a California driver's license and goes by a strange foreign … [Read more...] about Stealth Amnesty Is Still Amnesty
Why Health Care Is So Costly
While Americans without health insurance struggle with the problem of how to pay for medical care, Mexicans don't have that problem. They just ride in a Mexican ambulance across the border to a hospital in Arizona, New Mexico, California or … [Read more...] about Why Health Care Is So Costly