A gaudy sign reading No Child Left Behind, the education slogan of the Bush Administration, guards the entrance to the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C. The more-than-a-thousand-page NCLB education law, enacted at the beginning of last … [Read more...] about More Children Left Behind
Will Corporations Own Our Identities?
No one should be able to own facts about other people. Our names and numbers, and also the laws we must obey, should not be property that can be owned by corporations and policed by federal courts. But special interests, such as the Software and … [Read more...] about Will Corporations Own Our Identities?
Marriage Must Be Protected From The Judges
President Bush has proclaimed the week of October 12-18 as Marriage Protection Week because it's becoming clearer all the time that the institution of marriage needs protection against battering by the courts. The gay lobbyists have made it clear … [Read more...] about Marriage Must Be Protected From The Judges
Iraq Should Pay Its Own Way
At the Senate hearing to consider the Bush Administration's request for an additional $87 billion to pay for what is going on in Iraq, the sensational news emerged that $20.3 billion of that amount is allocated, not to pay for the war or for the … [Read more...] about Iraq Should Pay Its Own Way
Driver’s Licenses For Illegals = Pseudo Amnesty
In a flip-flop to court the Hispanic vote, California Governor Gray Davis signed a bill (which he had rejected twice before) to allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. Shamelessly pandering, he signed it on September 5 in front of a crowd … [Read more...] about Driver’s Licenses For Illegals = Pseudo Amnesty
Oath Of Citizenship Should Not Be Changed
It doesn't happen often, so mark the calendar. The bureaucracy has actually bowed to the wishes of the American people. Somebody or bodies in the new Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS) planned to celebrate Constitution Day on … [Read more...] about Oath Of Citizenship Should Not Be Changed
Fat Kids; Who’s Responsible?
Too many of our kids are too fat, so there ought to be a law. Turn the trial lawyers loose to blame the restaurants and the fast-food joints and give them the tobacco treatment. Right? As with many other problems in our society today, the government … [Read more...] about Fat Kids; Who’s Responsible?
California Candidates Should Face the Big Issue
The California recall will probably dominate national news until the October 7 election, but the dog that hasn't barked yet is how the candidates are going to deal with the big problem they are pretending not to notice. That's the cost … [Read more...] about California Candidates Should Face the Big Issue
Constitutional Confrontation In Alabama
The secularists are gloating. They got a court order to remove the Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama courthouse and another court order to suspend Chief Justice Roy Moore who put it there. But anyone who thinks this confrontation in … [Read more...] about Constitutional Confrontation In Alabama
Congress Should Stand Up And Be Counted
Federal court decisions about the Pledge of Allegiance and the Ten Commandments , and the specter raised in Lawrence v. Texas that marriage may no longer be defined as the union of a man and a woman, show that the time has come to curb the Imperial … [Read more...] about Congress Should Stand Up And Be Counted