The Bush Administration tried to camouflage its 180-degree reversal of its tariffs on imported steel with happy talk about an improved economy and efficiency efforts by the domestic steel industry. But nobody's fooled; the Bush Administration … [Read more...] about Caving In To Foreign Bureaucrats
Why We Must Protect Marriage
Since the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled in favor of same-sex marriages in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health, reporters have been asking presidential candidates for their comment. Their unresponsive answers reveal their hope that the issue will … [Read more...] about Why We Must Protect Marriage
Congressional Agenda for 2003
The clouds of election contests are behind us and a new Republican majority in both Houses of Congress will gather in January. It's time to reaffirm some basic Republican principles and move ahead with legislative implementation. Principle #1. … [Read more...] about Congressional Agenda for 2003
It’s Time To Rebuke The Judicial Oligarchy
Will Massachusetts, the cradle of American liberty, let four lawyers don the robes of oligarchy, override the wishes of the majority of the people, usurp the powers of their elected representatives, and sabotage the institution of marriage? Where is … [Read more...] about It’s Time To Rebuke The Judicial Oligarchy
Was Firing Employees The Issue In Homeland Security?
The Daschle Democrats (bowing to pressure from their union constituency) resisted passing the Homeland Security bill prior to the election because President George W. Bush demanded wide authority to fire or transfer employees in the new 22-agency … [Read more...] about Was Firing Employees The Issue In Homeland Security?
The High Price of Free Trade
Trade representatives from 34 Western Hemisphere countries (all except Cuba) are now gathering in Miami to take the next step to expand NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) into the hemisphere-wide Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). They … [Read more...] about The High Price of Free Trade
The Great Awakening About China
American businessmen and farmers are finally waking up to how they were sold a bill of goods by those who promised that China would be a profitable billion-mouth market if we just gave that developing country Most Favored Nation trade privileges and … [Read more...] about The Great Awakening About China
Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are
If you wonder why the Democratic Party has regressed into sycophantic cheerleading for radical feminist candidates (such as the Hillary Clinton clones running this year), the explanation is in a new book called "Guide to Feminist … [Read more...] about Why The Democrats Are The Way They Are
Feminism Is Mugged By Reality
The feminist revolution that swept across America in the 1970s promoted the dream of a land in which at least half of corporate officers, Fortune 500 C.E.Os, partners in law firms, and doctors would be women. The feminist movement was always elitist; … [Read more...] about Feminism Is Mugged By Reality
Do Voters Really Have Equal Protection?
Most Americans assume that the election of the House of Representatives is fairly based on the geographic distribution of our population. Then how come the constitutionally mandated reapportionment of 2000 resulted in the fact that it takes only … [Read more...] about Do Voters Really Have Equal Protection?