The American public is overwhelmingly opposed to the granting of driver's licenses to illegal aliens, but the establishment, the media, and the pro-open-borders lobby are pulling out all the stops to defy the will of the people. This issue is … [Read more...] about Driver’s Licenses For Illegals?
Next We Should Starve The Courts
The courts so purposely humiliated Congress in the Terri Schiavo case that some Representatives are finally beginning to talk back. Unelected judges have flagrantly abused the legislative and executive functions of government for so many years that … [Read more...] about Next We Should Starve The Courts
Judicial Supremacy Kills
Florida Probate Judge George Greer has taken judicial supremacy to new abuses in ordering the starvation of an innocent woman against the will of her parents, her brother, her church, thousands of volunteers, and, as far as we know, herself. We … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacy Kills
The Outrages Taxpayers and Parents Pay For
The reluctance of the University of Colorado (CU) to fire Professor Ward Churchill is showing the public that colleges and universities are nests of subsidized radicals. Churchill is no anomaly; like-minded professors hold forth on campuses all over … [Read more...] about The Outrages Taxpayers and Parents Pay For
CAFTA Is A Bad Deal For The United States
Those who believe in American sovereignty and/or our unique principle of federalism are waking up to the damage that CAFTA will do to both. Its fate in Congress is uncertain and bipartisan opposition is growing. The United States signed CAFTA … [Read more...] about CAFTA Is A Bad Deal For The United States
Is Relying On Foreign Law An Impeachable Offense?
"By what conceivable warrant can nine lawyers presume to be the authoritative conscience of the Nation?" So asked an incredulous Justice Antonin Scalia in response to the latest outrage by the U.S. Supreme Court. Five activist justices … [Read more...] about Is Relying On Foreign Law An Impeachable Offense?
Feminist Whines Lead Down a Dead-End Road
Despite five weeks of public mea culpas by Harvard President Lawrence Summers, what one Harvard professor called "a firestorm" continues to percolate on Ivy League campuses and in the national media. A Harvard Crimson poll reported that 52 … [Read more...] about Feminist Whines Lead Down a Dead-End Road
The Price Some Reservists Have To Pay
Most of the reservists called up to serve in the Iraq war have paid a big price: a significant reduction of their wages as they transferred from civilian to military jobs, separation from their loved ones, and of course the risk of battle wounds or … [Read more...] about The Price Some Reservists Have To Pay
Let’s Enforce Our Laws
The U.S. Constitution specifies that the President of the United States "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed." Americans pride ourselves on being a nation of laws, not of men, so here are some suggestions for our government to … [Read more...] about Let’s Enforce Our Laws
Feminists On The Warpath Get Their Man
The feminists, who have no sense of humor, have given Americans a big belly laugh, but it's no laughing matter to the principals involved. The feminists lassoed the president of Harvard University, no less, and have dragged him groveling through … [Read more...] about Feminists On The Warpath Get Their Man