The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996, known as Welfare Reform, has been cheered as a stunning achievement of the Republican Congress and its Contract With America. The law helped to move millions of welfare recipients out of … [Read more...] about Unintended Consequences Of Welfare Reform
Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
Led by the two House Kings, Peter King (R-NY) and Steve King (R-IA), 56 House members are urging Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner (R-WI) to oppose the renewal of the section of the Voting Rights Act that mandates foreign-language … [Read more...] about Time To Terminate Foreign-Language Ballots
The Government’s Appetite For Nosy Information
While the Patriot Act and NSA wiretapping have received enormous attention and criticism from the mainstream media, another federal agency has been quietly gathering far more personal information about Americans than those laws ever can. And this … [Read more...] about The Government’s Appetite For Nosy Information
“That Needs to Change”
"That needs to change" was Oprah's reply to Nan Talese of Doubleday, publisher of "A Million Little Pieces." After James Frey's "memoir" was exposed as a tissue of lies, Doubleday had tried to escape responsibility by saying that publishers don't … [Read more...] about “That Needs to Change”
Repeal The Bradley Amendment
When our supposedly compassionate federal government pokes its nose into areas that, under our principle of federalism, should be none of its business, the result is often unintended consequences, gross injustices, and of course massive costs. A … [Read more...] about Repeal The Bradley Amendment
Supremacist Judicial Mischief In Arizona
One of the most outrageous current examples of out-of-control judges is the case called Flores v. Arizona, now pending in federal court in Tucson, Arizona. Originally filed in 1992, plaintiff lawyers claim to represent an estimated 160,000 children … [Read more...] about Supremacist Judicial Mischief In Arizona
Is A War Going On In Texas?
If you don't have access to Texas newspapers or the internet, you may not have heard the sensational news about the enormous cache of weapons just seized in Laredo, Texas. U.S. authorities grabbed two completed Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), … [Read more...] about Is A War Going On In Texas?
Twenty Years In Prison For Having Sex With His Wife
William J. Hetherington has been incarcerated in Michigan prisons for more than 20 years for having sex with his wife Linda. In 1986, he became the first man in Genesee County convicted of the new Michigan crime called spousal rape. Linda … [Read more...] about Twenty Years In Prison For Having Sex With His Wife
Bush Is Kicking Away His Base
The conservative movement that elected Ronald Reagan twice, George Bush I once, and George Bush II twice, is essentially a movement of grassrooters who don't like to take orders from the top and who revolt when they believe they are betrayed or … [Read more...] about Bush Is Kicking Away His Base
Can Congress Limit Federal Court Jurisdiction?
One of the Senators' lines of questioning of Judge Samuel Alito that lacked follow-up concerned the power of Congress to define the jurisdiction of federal courts. Anybody who has read the Constitution knows that Article III, Section 2 clearly … [Read more...] about Can Congress Limit Federal Court Jurisdiction?