The liberal press is gloating that the seesaw battle for control of the Kansas Board of Education just teetered back to pro-evolutionists for the second time in five years. But to paraphrase Mark Twain, reports of the death of the movement to allow … [Read more...] about Criticism Of Evolution Can’t Be Silenced
What’s Up To Date In Kansas City?
Grassroots Americans of all parties and economic classes rose up out of their political apathy a few months ago and forced President Bush to reverse his administration's decision to allow a Middle East government to own America's major ports. … [Read more...] about What’s Up To Date In Kansas City?
Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the Bush Administration doesn't want to stop … [Read more...] about Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
NEA Agenda is Frightening to Parents
Parents who wonder why the public schools teach so many things parents don't approve of need look no further than the official policies of the nation's largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA). Meeting in Orlando this … [Read more...] about NEA Agenda is Frightening to Parents
Judicial Supremacists Strike Again
Who could have guessed that Osama bin Laden's driver/bodyguard would be one of the privileged few to be granted a hearing by the high and mighty U.S. Supreme Court justices! After refusing to hear appeals from thousands of Americans during the past … [Read more...] about Judicial Supremacists Strike Again
Reagan was Right; We Need an ABM Defense
North Korea's threat to test a long-range ballistic nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States comes as no surprise. President Bush already branded North Korea as part of the "axis of evil." This North Korean threat dramatically … [Read more...] about Reagan was Right; We Need an ABM Defense
Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
The Washington Establishment is shocked at the discovery that Americans don't like the idea of the federal government forcing local governments to provide foreign language ballots. That's one more indication of how out of touch our leaders are with … [Read more...] about Foreign Language Ballots Cause a Rebellion
Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Despite the consistent failure of all guest worker plans (e.g., France), Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) is peddling a new plan to import foreign workers who really are guests and really do go home. Pence has turned his back on the 88 percent of House … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Father’s Day Lament
On Father's Day we will again hear paeans of praise about the importance of fathers. This year, we will also hear extra rhetoric from those who argue that we need a federal Marriage Amendment because children need parents of both sexes, a father and … [Read more...] about Father’s Day Lament
Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive
Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who raised public school standards with "No child left behind." It now looks like his legacy will be "No illegal alien left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive