My interest in NAFTA was piqued when a C-SPAN caller asked if any of the press persons on the panel had read it. When the answer was an embarrassed no, and one expert said he didn't see any necessity to read it, I read the treaty myself, more than a … [Read more...] about NAFTA
Reaganism vs. the New World Order — January 1992
Reaganism vs. the New World Order The dedication of the Ronald Reagan Library in November 1991 was a happy victory party for those who call themselves the Reagan Alumni - the grassroots conservatives who made it all happen. Several thousand of the … [Read more...] about Reaganism vs. the New World Order — January 1992
A rumor is circulating in Washington, D.C. that, on one of the upper floors in the State Department, there is a room called the Shrine, and that every day Secretary James Baker and emissaries from President Bush and the Secretary of Commerce gather … [Read more...] about THE SEARCH FOR STABILITY VERSUS LIBERTY
Facing Reality About Trade with Japan
American consumers are immensely better of when we buy radios, televisions, VCRs, CD players, and fax machines from Japan. The Japanese make those items better and cheaper than we can make them. Free trade is not expected to produce even exchanges … [Read more...] about Facing Reality About Trade with Japan
How To Negotiate A Good Treaty — September 1983
The SALT II Treaty Text Translated — August 1979
Gasoline Shortage Blame — July 1979
Would you believe that, if U.S. firms were to build a giant truck-manufacturing plant for the Russians, they could be relied on to build only civilian trucks and not military trucks? The average American would probably answer "don't be ridiculous," … [Read more...] about LAWSUIT TO DISCOVER TECHNOLOGY SHIPMENTS
Mysteries of Our Foreign Policy — January 1978
Defeat the Panama Canal Treaty! — October 1977