American businessmen and farmers are finally waking up to how they were sold a bill of goods by those who promised that China would be a profitable billion-mouth market if we just gave that developing country Most Favored Nation trade privileges and … [Read more...] about The Great Awakening About China
United Nations Attack On Gun Ownership
The attempt this year to reprise last year's Million Mom March was a dud, attracting only about 200 demonstrators, and the Democrats' political gurus are whining about how Al Gore's pro-gun-control stance cost him votes last year in … [Read more...] about United Nations Attack On Gun Ownership
Free Trade Is An Economic, Not A Moral, Issue
Most conservatives are so happy that we now have a President who has restored dignity to the White House. We are pleased that he brings a moral dimension to his actions and isn't squeamish about acknowledging his religious faith. But it was … [Read more...] about Free Trade Is An Economic, Not A Moral, Issue
Why Russia Is Not A Market For U.S. Goods
Have you wondered why the White House, Congressional leadership, and the multinational corporate lobbyists are staking all their financial and political capital on trade with Communist China, but appear to lack interest in trade with Russia? Why … [Read more...] about Why Russia Is Not A Market For U.S. Goods
Will Congress Kowtow To Communist China?
President Clinton's Chinese benefactors and the multinational importers are demanding that he bully Congress into continuing China's Most Favored Nation (MFN) trading status, already renamed Normal Trade Relations (NTR). Now the plan is to grease … [Read more...] about Will Congress Kowtow To Communist China?
How Clinton Betrays Americans — March 2000
How Clinton Betrays Americans The Anthrax Vaccine Scandals It wasn't just idle words when Bill Clinton said he "loathed" the military. He has damaged U.S. Armed Services in so many ways that it's no wonder morale, recruitment and … [Read more...] about How Clinton Betrays Americans — March 2000
The WTO Woke Us Up In Seattle
Seattle, the home of Microsoft and Boeing, was supposed to be the Gateway to the Global Economy. Shattered shop windows and tear gas made it instead the gateway to Americans' knowledge about the World Trade Organization (WTO). The United States was … [Read more...] about The WTO Woke Us Up In Seattle
Red China: New Gatekeeper Of Our Canal
Jimmy Carter never would have been able to ram through his two treaties giving away our Panama Canal if the Senate in 1978 could have looked into the future and known that, when the U.S. Flag is lowered on December 31, 1999, Red China would become … [Read more...] about Red China: New Gatekeeper Of Our Canal
Eagle Forum’s Wish List for the 106th Congress — January 1999
Eagle Forum's Wish List for the 106th Congress Cut Taxes Cut taxes across-the-board to put money in the pockets of all taxpayers. Cut rates -- the proven way to keep the economy moving. Americans are overtaxed. With the current prosperous state … [Read more...] about Eagle Forum’s Wish List for the 106th Congress — January 1999
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent … [Read more...] about Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998