This month was the Tenth Anniversary of the 1964 riots at the Panama Canal in which three American soldiers were killed. Our State Department thinks that a good way to observe such an anniversary is to give more concessions to the rioters. That is … [Read more...] about PANAMA TREATY
The right to stamp a document "Top Secret" is one of the most abused prerogatives of the Federal Government. The purpose of this power is to safeguard national security, but it is often. used to hide the mistakes of public officials, to protect their … [Read more...] about OPERATION KEELHAUL
For years, the appeasement-minded Senators have been assuring us that the Soviets will never fire their nuclear missiles at us because the United States has sufficient missiles to retaliate and destroy theSoviet Union. The plain fact is, however, … [Read more...] about TESTING MINUTEMEN
In THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, Shakespeare wrote: "Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long." But how long can it be hidden? A year? Ten years? Joseph Stalin's murders have been rather well hidden for 35 years. It has taken that long for … [Read more...] about SOLZHENITSYN’S NEW BOOK
How Your Taxes Build Up Soviet Power — January 1974
Who is to "blame for the gasoline and fuel oil shortage? The Middle East War? The environmentalists who blocked the Alaska pipeline and California offshore drillings? The politicians who thought frozen tundra and wilderness were more important than … [Read more...] about BLAME FOR GASOLINE SHORTAGE
When the House of Representatives recently voted 319 to 80 to bar loans and most-favored-nation status to the Soviet Union, it reflected the growing majority feeling of the American people who are fed up with the costly and dangerous policy of taxing … [Read more...] about NATIONAL PROTECTION ACT
The recent news story about the Michigan man who makes his own gasoline in his back yard is a good reminder that Americans are a most ingenious people. This ex-chemistry teacher named Floyd Wallace feeds leaves, grass clippings, table scraps, coal, … [Read more...] about INGENUITY AND TAXES
Even an ill wind usually blows some good to someone. The ill winds of the Middle East War blew some truths our way which have helped us to identify which nations are friends and which are foes. When the chips were down, the outcome of the war was … [Read more...] about FRIENDS AND FOES
Negotiations have begun in Panama by our State Department, with the connivance of the United Nations, to renegotiate the treaty of 1903. That is diplomatic language for giving away the Panama Canal. It seems that there are powerful forces in our … [Read more...] about PANAMA CANAL