Richard Nixon is the prime example of what has been known for years as "the problem of the Republican incumbent who turns liberal after he is elected. " This strange transformation can take place at any level of government, from President to State … [Read more...] about THE LESSON OF NIXON
While Dr. Henry Kissinger was attending the Moscow Summit in June, he declaimed to reporters: "One of the things we have to ask ourselves as a country is what in the name of God is strategic superiority? What is the significance of it, politically, … [Read more...] about STRATEGIC SUPERIORITY
The Success Story Of Free China — August 1974
The most striking lesson in the world today between freedom and slavery, between prosperity and privation, is the contrast between free China on Taiwan and Red China on the Mainland. Both countries are populated and governed by people of the same … [Read more...] about TAIWAN’S PROSPERITY
The old adage “you can't teach an old dog new tricks" may be headed for the scrap heap. The big-spending liberals are finally becoming disillusioned with U.S. foreignaid to India. It has taken 25 years and $10 billion to teach them that this is a … [Read more...] about AID TO INDIA
During President Nixon’s Summit Conference in Moscow, the whole world had a close look at what happens when the Government controls the news. As soon as the TV networks began to relay news that the Kremlin did not want the American people to hear, … [Read more...] about CENSORSHIP: U.S. & U.S.S.R
Well, President Nixon went to Yalta after all — despite the White House protestations that he would not. The Soviets insisted that Nixon go to Yalta, and it seems that whatever Brezhnev wants, Brezhnev gets. For a few days, the White House tried to … [Read more...] about NIXON AT YALTA
The Fraud Called Detente — July 1974
Jobs are created when private industry and individuals make a capital investment. The reason why American citizens enjoy such a high standard of living is that the free enterprise system has resulted in a higher capital investment per worker than in … [Read more...] about EXPORTING U.S. JOBS
After Senator William Fulbright was defeated in the recent Democratic primary in Arkansas, thus signaling the end of his long career as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, many commentators sounded off about how Fulbright has been … [Read more...] about SENATOR FULBRIGHT