Congresswoman Leonor K. Sullivan has just written a letter to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger warning of a possible "Communist takeover" of the Panama Canal. She called for a breakoff in the present State Department treaty negotiations with Panama … [Read more...] about LEONOR SULLIVAN ON THE PANAMA CANAL
The recent Summit Conference on inflation tried to place the blame on all the wrong people: business, labor, the farmer, and even the consumer! The Summit conferees labored and brought forth such people-punishing proposals as a ten cents a gallon tax … [Read more...] about SUMMIT ON INFLATION
How Government Causes High Prices — October 1974
The United Nations recently opened its fall session in New York and admitted three new countries. The 138 UN members certainly aren't "united," and many are so small that they can hardly be called "nations." The United Nations was founded in 1945 … [Read more...] about UNITED NATION
What does MAD mean to you? It might mean insane, it might mean angry. But if you were a nuclear strategist, it would be an acronym standing for Mutual Assured Destruction. The MAD strategy is the basis of the SALT Treaty of 1972, and is colloquially … [Read more...] about THE MAD STRATEGY
The U.S. branch of the Socialist International recently held a convention in New York City. Under the chairmanship of Bayard Rustin, the Socialists mapped ambitious plans to work through the Democratic Party and the unions in order to achieve the … [Read more...] about REJECTION OF SOCIALISM
Two great men who shared much credit for America's once-superior air force died on the same day last week. Charles Lindbergh test-flew German fighter planes before World War II, and then helped our country to mass-produce thousands of B-24 bombers … [Read more...] about LINDBERGH/SEVERSKY
A recent letter to a metropolitan newspaper by Prank Eyles, executive secretary of the Midwest Industrial Union Council, calls attention to one of the prime causes of unemployment at the present time. He charges that "more than one million American … [Read more...] about RUNAWAY PLANTS
When President Ford recently made his flying visit to speak at Ohio State University, he deliberately associated himself with the mystique of one of the country’s top football coaches, Woody Hayes. Few coaches have been able to play the tough … [Read more...] about WOODY HAYES/JANE’S SHIPS
Rockefeller’s Record of Rule or Ruin — September 1974