One of the many good effects we can hope for from the recent passage of the new amendments to the Freedom of Information Act is the declassification and release of State Department documents spelling out the full extent of U.S. foreign aid, and what … [Read more...] about FOREIGN HANDOUTS
Attorney General William B. Saxbe recently stated that, if the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service were given an additional $50 million appropriation, it could round up and deport one million illegal aliens now in the United States. That … [Read more...] about ILLEGAL ALIENS
During the recent furor about Cyprus, NEWSWEEK Magazine quoted Henry Kissinger as saying about President Ford: "He doesn't know what it's all about." Those words sounded harsh at the time, but they accurately express the way President Ford played out … [Read more...] about SIBERIAN SUMMIT
After the 1974 election returns showed that only 38 percent of the voting-age population cast ballots the American people have been subjected to recriminations from do-gooders who bemoan the failure of the majority to do their "citizen's duty" and … [Read more...] about THE RIGHT NOT TO VOTE
It has become increasingly apparent that the Kissinger policies are plunging Israel down the drain to defeat and disaster. When President Harry Truman granted immediate U.S. recognition to the new state of Israel in 1948, he thereby announced to … [Read more...] about ISRAEL’S FUTURE
The responsiveness of Congress to grassroots opinion rather than to leftwing screams about "witch hunts" was clearly demonstrated by the overwhelming vote last month to continue the House Internal Security Committee as a separate entity. The House … [Read more...] about SUBVERSION IN U.S.
Dr. Kissinger’s Strange Question — November 1974
The Soviets have received Henry Kissinger in Moscow with something less than their previous eagerness to sign new agreements on strategic arms limitations. Some commentators have speculated that this is because the Kremlin is moving more cautiously … [Read more...] about THE ARMS RACE
A number of recent items in the news indicate that President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger may be signaling a significant shift in U.S. policy toward Fidel Castro's Cuba. Such a shift in policy would be extremely costly both to our national … [Read more...] about POLICY TOWARD CASTRO
It was ten years ago this month that, at a secret meeting of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev was rendered an unperson and Leonid Brezhnev was elevated to the top position of General Secretary of the … [Read more...] about BREZHNEV/DOBRYNIN