The powers that be in governmental, academic and communications fields are fond of telling us that nuclear war is "unthinkable," that there is a "balance of terror" between the major superpowers, and that nuclear weapons will never be launched … [Read more...] about Conventional Military Comparisons
Thirty three years ago, thousands of American boys died to chase the Italians and Germans out of North Africa. Nobody thanked us for our blood, sweat and tears, and a pro-Communist dictator took over in Libya after we left. Since World War II, our … [Read more...] about Colonialism
Brezhnev’s Speech
President Ford announced recently that he does not intend to use the word detente any more. He has finally realized that it is counterproductive in American politics. Unfortunately, Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, … [Read more...] about Brezhnev’s Speech
Mogens Glistrup
The third largest political party in Denmark is headed by Mogens Glistrup. His domestic policy is to eliminate nearly all taxes. His foreign policy is to abolish Denmark's military defense and replace it with one man who, in case of a Soviet attack … [Read more...] about Mogens Glistrup
Grime and Punishment — March 1976
Houston McTear
While the winning of almost any Olympic gold medal showers the champion with a certain charisma, the winner of the 100-meter running race always becomes particularly famous as "the world's fastest human." The favorite to win this coveted title in … [Read more...] about Houston McTear
Kennedy’s Vows
The recent news about Judith Campbell of Las Vegas and Joan Hitchock of San Francisco may indicate that President John Kennedy disregarded his marriage vows. The recent news about Cuban soldiers conquering Angola, being active in seven other African … [Read more...] about Kennedy’s Vows
Olympic Games
Americans are now being encouraged to contribute toward the expenses of the 1976 U.S. Olympic teams. We know their physical training will be superb, but whether their mental conditioning will be equal to the Olympic challenge is an open question. … [Read more...] about Olympic Games
The principal achievement of the liberal politicians during the last three years is their crippling of our internal security. The result, whether they intended it or not, has been to make our country safe for terrorists and unsafe for law-abiding … [Read more...] about Terrorism
Merchant Marine
One reason why the United States has dropped from first place to tenth on the list of major merchant marine fleets of the world, while the Soviet Union has risen from tenth to seventh place, is buried in a report released recently b.y the U.S. Senate … [Read more...] about Merchant Marine