Do you think the United Nations should be able to mandate the "right" of children to refuse to do their homework? Or to be force-fed a curriculum of multiculturalism and other trendy leftist propaganda? That's what may be in the works in the name … [Read more...] about Foreign Busybodyism About Children’s Rights
My interest in NAFTA was piqued when a C-SPAN caller asked if any of the press persons on the panel had read it. When the answer was an embarrassed no, and one expert said he didn't see any necessity to read it, I read the treaty myself, more than a … [Read more...] about NAFTA
Time for a New Look at Immigration
Those who oppose President Clinton's tax increase are usually challenged by reporters to say which federal programs they would cut. Here's an answer: cut out or reduce the billions of dollars spent on immigrants, both legal and illegal. A new … [Read more...] about Time for a New Look at Immigration
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Feminist World View — July 1993
Saint Hillary Sets Out to Cure the World
Even before her health care plan is ready to reveal to the public, Hillary Rodham Clinton has started her bare-knuckles campaign for a "revolution" in American health care. It's based on the customary Clinton tactics of class envy and of demonizing … [Read more...] about Saint Hillary Sets Out to Cure the World
The Public is Deceived About Women in Combat
The Clinton Administration's announcement that women will be assigned to military combat was made on the same day that Ms. Magazine was doing a publicity stunt called "Take your daughter to work." That's the same kind of coincidence displayed by the … [Read more...] about The Public is Deceived About Women in Combat
U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
The Children's Defense Fund, the chief vehicle for those who want government to take over the raising of children, has a new goal under the Clinton Administration. Having failed to get Congress to pass the costly ABC daycare bill, the Fund is now … [Read more...] about U.N. Treaty Would Pit Child Against Parents
Women in Combat Commission Report
Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder and the militant feminists pitched Congress a curve ball when they demanded repeal of the laws that forbid the assignment of servicewomen to military combat. Congress bunted to a Presidential Commission and, after … [Read more...] about Women in Combat Commission Report