Is the Gingrich-Lott leadership going to take the Republican Party down the same road to defeat traveled by the world's other conservative parties? Will they follow in the footsteps of John Major in Britain, Jacques Chirac in France, and Canada's … [Read more...] about The New Political Party Realignment
The Military’s War Over Marriage
The media have been in a feeding frenzy again. It's so much more exciting to cover the military's sex scandals than tedious news such as the budget or Clinton's attempt to expand NATO. Historians may look back and record that Air Force General … [Read more...] about The Military’s War Over Marriage
Who Will Stand Up for America Against China?
Why does the Clinton Administration insist on financing the military buildup of China when that huge country could eventually pose a threat to the United States comparable to the Soviet threat that hung over us for so many years of the Cold War? Why … [Read more...] about Who Will Stand Up for America Against China?
Congress Must Stop Kowtowing to China
All segments of the conservative movement are united in opposing Most Favored Nation (MFN) status and World Trade Organization (WTO) membership for Communist China. Newt Gingrich has a golden opportunity to step out in front of his troops and lead … [Read more...] about Congress Must Stop Kowtowing to China
Defeat the Chemical Weapons Treaty
Did we elect a Republican Senate last November or didn't we? We'll find out when the Senate votes on the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). That will be the first important test of whether or not Republican Senators are willing to stand up for … [Read more...] about Defeat the Chemical Weapons Treaty
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
School-to-Work and Goals 2000 The Clinton Administration learned a big lesson from the defeat of its plan to take over the entire U.S. health care industry. Releasing its plan as a single 1,342-page bill in 1993 gave … [Read more...] about School-to-Work and Goals 2000 — April 1997
Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
You can bet that the Clinton Administration will use the substitution of another African, Kofi Annan, for Boutros Boutros-Ghali as UN Secretary General as an excuse to try to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in … [Read more...] about Reform Starts with Cutting the Cash Flow
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! Cut Off Handouts to the UN The Clinton Administration is trying to bamboozle Congress to pony up a extra billion dollars in handouts to the United Nations. Congress should … [Read more...] about Speak Up for Sovereignty and Patriotism! — January 1997
The Alger Hiss Fallout on Politics
The 1950 conviction of Alger Hiss for perjury in denying that he was a Communist spy was a seminal event in American politics. It is difficult to name any other trial that had such a widespread effect on American politics, even including the … [Read more...] about The Alger Hiss Fallout on Politics
Some Goals of the New World Order — November 1996
Some Goals of the New World Order The phrase "New World Order" was not invented by President George Bush, but it was popularized by him in 1990 in order to resuscitate the then-moribund United Nations and make it a sponsor of his Gulf War. Like … [Read more...] about Some Goals of the New World Order — November 1996