Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air Congress Should Just Say No to IMF Funding While most Americans were celebrating Christmas and exchanging gifts with family members, Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin spent … [Read more...] about Global Goals: Bailouts, Bosnia, Lies, and Hot Air — January 1998
No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
President George Bush reneged on the most famous campaign pledge of modern times ("No new taxes; read my lips") after his adviser Richard Darman told him, "Nobody believed that anyway." Bush discovered that, on the contrary, people did believe him … [Read more...] about No Exit from Bosnia; It Was Planned That Way
Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
We're learning more every month about what "free trade" really means. Not only does it mean NAFTA, stunning defeats in disputes before the World Trade Organization (too bad for Eastman Kodak, which lost its effort to open up the Japanese market and … [Read more...] about Free Trade = Freedom to Lie on Labels
“How Did The Turtle Get on The Fence Post”
When even Senator Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) is indicating on TV's Capital Gang that Communist Chinese attempts to influence the policies of the Clinton Administration may have risen to the level of Communist Russia's infiltration of our government in … [Read more...] about “How Did The Turtle Get on The Fence Post”
Global Goals of the Clinton Administration — October 1997
Global Goals of the Clinton Administration President Bill Clinton appointed his Rhodes scholar roommate and fellow draft dodger, Strobe Talbott, as his personal foreign policy adviser and later to the number-two post in the State … [Read more...] about Global Goals of the Clinton Administration — October 1997
Global Goals of The Clinton Administration
President Clinton's chief foreign policy adviser, Strobe Talbott, used to write in Time Magazine about nationhood and sovereignty becoming "obsolete" and being replaced by "a single global authority." Those inflammatory words have been replaced by … [Read more...] about Global Goals of The Clinton Administration
G.I. Jane Is a Role-Model for Evil
"G.I. Jane," directed by Ridley Scott, is a fitting sequel to his 1991 movie "Thelma and Louise." Both movies try to idealize the macho victim, the tough, gun-toting woman who triumphs over the perceived discriminations perpetrated by an unfair … [Read more...] about G.I. Jane Is a Role-Model for Evil
The current Republican Congress has a duty to save us from Bill Clinton's blunder in trying to lock America into an expansion of NATO. The 105th Congress has shown a notable lack of courage about confronting Clinton on anything, but NATO would be a … [Read more...] about NATO EXPANSION COMMITS U.S. TO WARS
Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
Will Treaties Rule America's Future? NATO Expansion Commits U.S. to Wars The current Republican Congress has a duty to save us from Bill Clinton's blunder in trying to lock America into an expansion of NATO. The 105th Congress has shown … [Read more...] about Will Treaties Rule America’s Future? — September 1997
What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997
What Americans Owe to Inventors The American Revolution gave us independence and political and religious liberty, but economic conditions had changed very little in thousands of years. Then, suddenly, in the short space of two centuries, America … [Read more...] about What Americans Owe to Inventors — July 1997