President Clinton has had several good opportunities to stop his Yugoslav war: Jesse Jackson's successful mission to bring home our POWs, the embarrassing bombing of the Chinese embassy, and Milosevic's feeble overtures about withdrawal of his … [Read more...] about Spending Our Social Security Surplus On War
Power Grab Through Executive Orders — May 1999
Power Grab Through Executive Orders Not only does President Clinton not feel any shame about his impeachment (as he told Dan Rather), Clinton now feels stronger than ever, able to override the U.S. Constitution and ignore Congress. He has … [Read more...] about Power Grab Through Executive Orders — May 1999
Was it “According to Plan”? Did Nothing “Go Wrong”?
Have you noticed how few Members of Congress are willing to go on television and spell out clearly their position on Clinton's war against Yugoslavia? It's time for Congress to stand up and be counted, and Rep. Tom Campbell (R-CA) has introduced a … [Read more...] about Was it “According to Plan”? Did Nothing “Go Wrong”?
Don’t Make the Vietnam Mistake in Kosovo
Are the American people going to allow Bill Clinton to get by with taking America into a war? Will the American people let Clinton make the LBJ Vietnam mistake of sinking us deeper and deeper into a faraway quagmire, while his supporters are crawling … [Read more...] about Don’t Make the Vietnam Mistake in Kosovo
I ’m Fed Up — April 1999
I'm Fed Up I'm fed up with the sanctimonious liberals imposing their values on me. Is this a free country, or isn't it? I'm fed up with the liberals telling me that I can't be judgmental about crimes and sins, even when committed by the … [Read more...] about I ’m Fed Up — April 1999
Does Sovereignty Matter?
Bill Clinton's threats to enter the Kosovo conflict are a direct attack on national sovereignty, our own as well as Yugoslavia's. The foreign policy gurus of the Clinton Administration don't believe in the concept of sovereignty and are trying to … [Read more...] about Does Sovereignty Matter?
China’s Espionage Proves We Need a Missile Defense
Editor's Note: After President Clinton dropped his long-standing threat to veto it, the Senate passed S.257 on March 17 by a vote of 97-3. On March 18, the House passed a similar bill, H.R. 4, by a vote of 317-105. We heard a lot of posturing this … [Read more...] about China’s Espionage Proves We Need a Missile Defense
Troops to Kosovo; Terror for Americans?
The very day after his acquittal, Bill Clinton moved quickly to change the subject and wag the dog by announcing plans to send U.S. ground troops into the civil war in Kosovo between Serbian authorities and ethnic Albanians fighting for independence. … [Read more...] about Troops to Kosovo; Terror for Americans?
American Troops Don’t Belong in Kosovo
The Washington Post reported on January 30 that "senior Pentagon officials for the first time said they would be willing to place U.S. troops under foreign command" in Kosovo. We are eagerly awaiting any expression of outrage from Republican leaders … [Read more...] about American Troops Don’t Belong in Kosovo
Eagle Forum’s Wish List for the 106th Congress — January 1999
Eagle Forum's Wish List for the 106th Congress Cut Taxes Cut taxes across-the-board to put money in the pockets of all taxpayers. Cut rates -- the proven way to keep the economy moving. Americans are overtaxed. With the current prosperous state … [Read more...] about Eagle Forum’s Wish List for the 106th Congress — January 1999