What Do the Two Parties Stand For? To find out what the two major parties stand for, we should be able to compare their Party Platforms adopted by their National Nominating Conventions in the summer of 2004. Unfortunately, … [Read more...] about What Do the Two Parties Stand For? — October 2004
Taxpayer Subsidies For Illegal College Students
It's not often that a state attorney general declines to defend a state law. Kansas passed a law allowing its illegal aliens to attend its state universities at discount tuition rates, and some out-of-state citizens who have to pay higher tuition … [Read more...] about Taxpayer Subsidies For Illegal College Students
To Celebrate Independence, We Must Have Sovereignty
The handover of power to Iraq by the victorious American forces has stimulated public discussion about a word that seems to have fallen in disfavor in the last few years: sovereignty. That means the ability of a government to act without being … [Read more...] about To Celebrate Independence, We Must Have Sovereignty
Equality For Women In Our Military
The picture of the female U.S. soldier, Pfc. Lynndie England, holding a leash around the neck of a prone naked Iraqi male prisoner, like a dog, is a public relations disaster for America abroad. Just as distressing is the humiliation of America in … [Read more...] about Equality For Women In Our Military
Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
A favorite argument of those who support amnesty for illegal aliens is: current laws can't be enforced (like Prohibition and the 55-mile-an-hour speed limit) so we might as well adjust to reality. That's about like telling a woman, you … [Read more...] about Don’t Give Criminals A Sanctuary
Borders, Trucks, Citizenship, Sanctuary — May 2004
Borders, Trucks, Citizenship, Sanctuary Unsafe Life on the Border The television news media bring us daily, graphic reports from Iraq, where valiant Americans are battling danger, death and destruction of property. So … [Read more...] about Borders, Trucks, Citizenship, Sanctuary — May 2004
Unsafe Life On The Border
The television news media bring us daily, graphic reports from Iraq, where valiant Americans are battling danger, death and destruction of property. So why don't we get coverage about similar dramatic and scary confrontations taking place on the … [Read more...] about Unsafe Life On The Border
We Don’t Need Busybody Foreign Judges
With all the real atrocities going on in uncivilized countries around the world, one would think that any world court looking into violations of human rights would have enough to do without trying to tell the United States how to conduct our criminal … [Read more...] about We Don’t Need Busybody Foreign Judges
Who Is An American Citizen?
In a world of inhumanity, war and terrorism, American citizenship is a very precious possession. It affords rights that residents of other countries can only dream of. So who is eligible to claim American citizenship? The U.S. Supreme Court may soon … [Read more...] about Who Is An American Citizen?
We Should Drown Law Of The Sea
The people who want to dissolve or diminish American sovereignty and replace it with global governance never give up. Their modus operandi is to work toward their one-world goal incrementally through United Nations treaties. We elected President … [Read more...] about We Should Drown Law Of The Sea