Conservatives believe that private industry does a better job than government; right? Conservatives are for divesting some government functions so private industry can run them more efficiently; right? Many state and local governments take this idea … [Read more...] about Is America For Sale?
Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Pursuing the 'North American' Agenda The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the … [Read more...] about Pursuing the ‘North American’ Agenda — September 2006
Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
What is the United States of America? Is it merely an accident of geography, or a job market for the world, or a multiethnic, multilingual lot of people who agreed (more or less, and probably temporarily) to live under a Constitution? Those aren't … [Read more...] about Patrick Buchanan’s Challenge to Americans
The NAFTA Super Highway
It's not just American ports that are fast slipping into foreign ownership; it's highways, too. A Spanish company, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, S.A., has bought the right to operate a tollroad through Texas and … [Read more...] about The NAFTA Super Highway
What’s Up To Date In Kansas City?
Grassroots Americans of all parties and economic classes rose up out of their political apathy a few months ago and forced President Bush to reverse his administration's decision to allow a Middle East government to own America's major ports. … [Read more...] about What’s Up To Date In Kansas City?
Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
The hottest issue at the grassroots is illegal immigration and what our government is not doing to stop it. The question most frequently heard is, Why doesn't the Bush Administration get it? Maybe the Bush Administration doesn't want to stop … [Read more...] about Pursuing The Globalist Agenda By Press Release
Reagan was Right; We Need an ABM Defense
North Korea's threat to test a long-range ballistic nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States comes as no surprise. President Bush already branded North Korea as part of the "axis of evil." This North Korean threat dramatically … [Read more...] about Reagan was Right; We Need an ABM Defense
Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive — July 2006
Guest Workers Aren't Cheap; They're Expensive President Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who improved public school standards with "No child left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive — July 2006
Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Despite the consistent failure of all guest worker plans (e.g., France), Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) is peddling a new plan to import foreign workers who really are guests and really do go home. Pence has turned his back on the 88 percent of House … [Read more...] about Whatever Happened to Mike Pence?
Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive
Bush entered the White House in 2001 hoping he would be known in history books as the education president who raised public school standards with "No child left behind." It now looks like his legacy will be "No illegal alien left … [Read more...] about Guest Workers Aren’t Cheap; They’re Expensive